Biden’s Lawless Title IX Czar Faces Much Tougher Courts The Second Time Around

Catherine Lhamon stripping students’ civil rights caused a tsunami of litigation that changed the game for accused students.

Joe Biden Is Using Your Tax Dollars To Make American Kids Hate Their Country

Communist China can repurpose its anti-American propaganda budget for other pursuits with a presidential administration like this running its top competitor.

Biden’s Education Secretary Pick Has A History Of Covering Up Sexual Assault

Under Cindy Marten's leadership, San Diego schools engaged in legal battles and eventually settlements over multiple sex abuse cases.

Feds Canceling Tests Will Hide For Years How School Shutdowns Screwed Kids

Four to six months ahead of possible testing times, the test's commissioner pre-emptively canceled this only way to measure the effect of varying school shutdown regulations across state lines.
Joe Biden’s Education Department Would Be A Radical Disaster

Joe Biden’s Education Department Would Be A Radical Disaster

Given Biden's embrace of far-left cultural notions regarding sex and gender, it's fair to assume his Education Department would swiftly implement a sweeping and radical agenda across the board.