How To Combat The Censorship-Industrial Complex No Matter Who Wins The Election

We must keep talking and throwing wrenches into the machinery of loneliness. We must keep coming together in love for our neighbor.

How The ‘Brutal Minds’ Staffing Our Universities Brainwash The Next Generation

The whole ideologies of Bolshevism and Maoism rested on a condemnation of the masses and their old world and identities to convert them into the 'new man' of socialism.

Before Running Into The Streets To Tell Other People What To Do, Try Governing Yourself

Today’s youth attach themselves to a public moral cause in large part because there is no longer any private battlefield worth occupying.

The Top Reason I Hate Masks Is They Force Me To Live By Lies

Being forced to wear a mask is being forced to communicate that I support treating COVID-19 as if it should take priority over everything else in life. That's not only false, but evil.