Yes, Hillary Clinton Knows A Lot About ‘The Weaponization Of Loneliness’

‘The Weaponization of Loneliness’ headline over Hillary Clinton’s Atlantic article appears more like a statement of her intent, not the warning I express in my book with the same title.

EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT: Our Constitution Is Incompatible With The Democrats’ Permanent Welfare State

The following is an excerpt from “Underserved: Harnessing the Principles of Lincoln’s Vision for Reconstruction for Today’s Forgotten Communities” by Ja’ron Smith and Chris Pilkerton. It can be purchased here. The problem society is faced with is truly a market failure for our country—not unlike a massive financial crash or other significant crisis. And when […]

7 Reasons High Inflation Isn’t Likely To Go Away Any Time Soon

The people who have created American misery are the same people in charge of solving it. That's going to go well.

Why Mothers Have A Duty To Nourish Any Children Inside Their Wombs

The flaws of an old hypothetical also illuminate the weakness of contemporary arguments for abortion grounded on claims of bodily autonomy.

What’s Inside Abortion Supporters’ Illogical Resentment Against ‘Forced Birth’

Liberal complaints about 'forced birth' demonstrate an anti-human ideology that poisons the self-giving of love.

Keeping The Expanded Child Tax Credit ‘Because Covid’ Would Be Absurd

Asking ballooning entitlements to masquerade as Covid relief should be beneath Americans.

Will Joe Biden Oversee The Collapse Of The U.S. Dollar?

It’s vital to think through the consequences of the dollar losing its status as the world’s reserve currency.

Sen. Joe Manchin Tanks Democrats’ Plans To Build Back Bankrupt

'I've tried everything humanly possible, I can't get there,' Manchin told Baier of the welfare expansion recently estimated to cost a record-breaking $5 trillion over the next ten years.

Republicans Should Force Democrats To Vote On The Full $5 Trillion Build Back Bankrupt

The Republicans asked CBO to provide the costs of extending all the programs for the entire ten-year budget window—and the results proved shocking.