Teacher allegedly suspended for removing pride flag from Canadian classroom may be paying price for her son's defiance of LGBT indoctrination

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LGBT activists have proven incapable of discouraging a Canadian high school student from affirming Christian teaching as it pertains to transgenderism and other issues of moral relevance, so it appears they're now going after his family.

In November, 17-year-old Josh Alexander was suspended from St. Joseph's High School in Renfrew, Ontario, after he stated openly in class that God created only two genders. He was subsequently banned from school property for the remainder of the year, then arrested in February when he attempted to return. Alexander has since been criticized in the press and hounded online.

Notwithstanding the temporal trouble his faith has gotten him into, the teen has remained resolute.

The punishment and criticism having been unable to crush Alexander, it appears as though his parents, both reportedly teachers who work for the Renfrew County District School Board, have been fitted up as targets.

The boy's father, Matt Alexander, is a grade 7/8 teacher. His mother, Nicole Alexander, teaches kindergarten.

Alexander tweeted on Sunday, "I have been informed that both my mother and father have been put on leave and removed from the classroom. My parents are under attack simply for having raised me."

"They couldn't get to me so they've attacked my family," he added.

\u201cI have been informed that both my mother and father have been put on leave and removed from the classroom. \nMy parents are under attack simply for having raised me.\nThey couldn't get to me so they've attacked my family.\nI recently had the opportunity to tell the world.\u201d
— Josh Alexander (@Josh Alexander) 1683467928

"I found that my mom has been put under investigation and removed from the classroom indefinitely. My dad has already been kicked out two weeks ago. He's also under investigation," Alexander told independent Canadian reporter Abdusselmam Bezirgan.

The teen stressed that he is ready to face the consequences of his actions, but that he ought to be alone in paying the price.

According to the Epoch Times, Alexander's mother received notice Monday that she was under investigation and had been put on leave. The reason provided was that she had removed a pride flag affixed to the door of her kindergarten classroom.

Nicole Alexander said that she had taken down the flag to protect her students, reported the Post Millennial.

"Somebody reported her and went to the superintendent who told her that in order to protect the students, they’d have to put her on leave and place her under investigation," Alexander told the Epoch Times.

As for the boy's father, it remains unclear why he was suspended, although Alexander suspects his activism played a part.

"Renfrew County’s not a big area. Everybody knows everybody and there’s obviously a lot of talk about me," Alexander said. "It’s no secret that they’re my parents."

According to the board's website, individuals found to have contravened the board's speech codes and woke conventions, particularly concerning LGBT issues, "may be required to take part in additional anti-oppression training."

The board's "Gender Identity and Gender Expression Guideline" states that the "RCDSB is committed to fostering environments where all members of the organization feel safe and comfortable to explore and share their gender identity and gender expression. In addition, the District is committed to ensuring students, parents/guardians, and staff are safe from all forms of discrimination."

Students, parents, and staff are not permitted to take a passive role, but instead are warned they have "a responsibility to ensure that people of all genders and gender expressions have safe learning and working environments."

Teachers such as Alexander's parents are required to affirm LGBT lifestyles and buttress community members' social-constructivist claims.

The guide RCDSB teachers must adhered to prompts them to challenge normalcy and promote transgenderism.

To this end, students, staff, and parents are required to "respect" made-up pronouns and other "gender expressions."

Notwithstanding this latest pressure campaign, Alexander is not backing down. He is staging a walkout protest on May 17.

Life Site News indicated the 11th-grader has also submitted an application to the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal claiming his "creed" beliefs have been discriminated against.

TheBlaze reached out to Alexander for comment, but did not receive a reply at the time of publication.

Exclusive: Both parents of Christian student activist Josh Alexander suspended from their jobs youtu.be

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Rhode Island private school asks students not to give out valentines featuring 'only White human characters'

A private school in Providence, Rhode Island, recommended that students avoid giving their peers Valentine’s Day cards that portray “only white people,” according to the National Pulse.

In a letter to parents and students, Osvaldo Jose Marti, head of the Moses Brown Lower School, said, “As we approach the month of February, we are writing to share some guidelines for the selection and exchange of Valentines in the Lower School. If your child wishes to bring cards for classmates, please consider these recommendations, which we make in an effort to promote kindness and inclusivity within our community …”

“Please coach your child if purchasing commercially produced cards to select something that does not feel 'gender normative,'” the letter said, “Also, consider talking to your child about avoiding cards that portray only White human characters. Representation matters and our students of color also deserve to see themselves in some of the cards they receive, unless we can find cards without people pictured at all.”

This is not the first time that Moses Brown embraced woke insanity. Parents have complained that the school has an “obsession” with “transgender themes” and encourages students to proclaim “it is ok to be Gay.”

One mother told a regional radio show in New England that a teacher explained to her four-year-old daughter that someday the child “might want to marry another girl.” Children enrolled in Moses Brown’s pre-primary education program are taught to announce their pronouns to their class.

According to the school’s website, Moses Brown’s Lower School — which looks after children starting with nursery care through the 4th grade — emphasizes “the importance of being responsible citizens, and caring for others and the world beyond their doorstep” and helping students “develop their talents in a way that is uniquely theirs, while appreciating and celebrating the different abilities of those around them.”

Moses Brown’s high school provides students with several “service/awareness” organizations to participate in. These include the Gender Sexuality Alliance Club where students are encouraged to “explore issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity/expression” and “Equal Voice,” which “focuses on issues of feminism and equality.”

Moses Brown is a Quaker school system. The school says that the “world needs ethical leadership” and its mission as a Quaker school “is to provide the rising generation with an ethical core, an unshakable foundation of integrity that fosters respect, non-violent resolution of conflict, and the desire to make a positive difference in the world.”

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