Washington Post Bashes Women For Disliking Birth Control Side Effects

The Washington Post’s pair of birth control propaganda articles weren’t just out of touch. They were out of line.

At The Heart Of Kate Cox’s Abortion Lawsuit Is A Disrespect For Texas Voters

[rebelmouse-proxy-image https://thefederalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Screenshot-2023-12-19-at-6.37.42 AM-1200x675.png crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//thefederalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Screenshot-2023-12-19-at-6.37.42%5Cu202fAM-1200x675.png%22%7D" expand=1]Although her baby has a small chance at survival, the people of Texas voted to protect all children, even those with tragic diagnoses.

Like Britney Spears, Many Women Feel Pressured Into Abortions They Do Not Want

'If it had been left up to me alone, I never would have done it,' Spears writes in her new memoir.

Indiana Health Dept. Sits On Records Showing Two Babies Born Alive After Abortions, Three Women Dead

Indiana's GOP legislature is poised to increase funding 2,000 percent for an agency that oversaw abortion businesses after whose services three women died in 2022.

Biden And The FDA Push New Chemical Abortion Protocols That Endanger Women

Americans should demand answers as to why Joe Biden and the FDA are making the abortion pill riskier for women.

Injury, Infertility, And Death From Chemical Abortions Are A-OK With The FDA

And seven other things that Big Abortion doesn’t want you to know about its love of death by mail for tiny children and sometimes even their mothers.

Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Introduces Bill That Would Ban Abortions Once Fetus Can Feel Pain

'The future of California, the Democratic Party, and all of America is pro-life!'

The Left Won’t Tell Women That Abortion Can Cost Them Their Future Family

Fully informed consent of any abortion event, whether surgical or chemical, should include the long-term implications for women's health and fertility.

Senate And House Members Plead For FDA To Remove ‘Deadly’ Abortion Pill From U.S. Markets

The drug is responsible for taking 'more than 3.7 million preborn lives, caused 24 maternal deaths, and... hemorrhage, excruciating abdominal pain, and severe life-threatening infections.'