Mississippi’s Work Requirement For Medicaid Is Just An Excuse To Expand The Welfare State

A de facto work requirement to obtain coverage already exists in Mississippi, and expanding Medicaid would nullify it.

The Best Way To Curb Our Culture Of Dependency Is For States To End Medicaid Expansion

State legislators could expand work requirements by exiting Obamacare’s expansion of Medicaid to the able-bodied.

Left-Wing Dems Bristle As Biden Mulls Welfare Work Requirements In Debt Ceiling Deal

'We did not elect Joe Biden of 1986, but Joe Biden of 2020,' said Jayapal

Ending Expectations That Adults Work For A Living Erases Human Dignity

During the Great Depression of the 1930s, the most crippling form of poverty was seen as the poverty of dignity. To read all the letters and diaries and recollections of the time is to see that the severe economic hardship caused by the loss of a job was often considered temporary and survivable. But what […]

Rubio Memo Reminds ‘Reluctant’ Republicans That Dem Child Allowance Is A ‘Poverty Trap,’ ‘Precursor’ To UBI

Sen. Marco Rubio is circulating a memo aimed at emboldening Republicans to fight a measure that would distribute taxpayer money to nonworking parents.

Children Deserve To Be Born For Love, Not Welfare Payments

How could our society be so callous to children as to make them the link to welfare payments? Do people know what it feels like to grow up in a relationally chaotic home?