Abortion Facilities, Not Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Deal In Misinformation

Lawmakers are attacking crisis pregnancy centers for being places where women can hear the full truth about abortion.

At Democrats’ Bidding, Google And Yelp Censor Searches For Life-Saving Pregnancy Centers

To appease radical “pro-choice” abortion activists, Democrats, and their allies in the corporate press, Google and Yelp have both agreed to stifle search engine results for life-saving pregnancy clinics. Despite the fact that nearly 2 in 3 Americans support public funding for life-saving pregnancy centers, many of which offer free or discounted pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, […]

Yelp steers women away from crisis pregnancy centers, claims they give 'misleading information' to prevent abortion

Yelp is now the latest Big Tech company to shore up access to abortion in the wake of the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Yelp has now decided to flag crisis pregnancy centers to dissuade women from using their services rather than those provided at abortion clinics.

Beginning on Tuesday, Yelp, a website and app that purports to connect "people with great local businesses," will begin flagging both faith-based and non-faith-based CPCs with a "consumer notice" regarding the limited medical services CPCs usually provide.

"This is a Crisis Pregnancy Center," reads the notice posted with most CPC organizations listed on Yelp. "Crisis Pregnancy Centers typically provide limited medical services and may not have licensed medical professionals onsite."

Yelp has openly admitted that it hopes to prevent unsuspecting pregnant women who may be seeking abortions from utilizing the services offered by CPCs instead.

"It's been well-reported that crisis pregnancy centers often attempt to provide misleading information to people seeking abortion care to steer them to other options," a company statement says, "– with this new notification we're aiming to further protect consumers from the potential of being misled or confused."

Noorie Malik, Yelp’s VP of user operations, agreed.

"After learning about the misleading nature of crisis pregnancy centers back in 2018, I’m grateful Yelp stands behind these efforts to provide consumers with access to reliable information about reproductive health services," Malik told Axios in an email.

"It has always felt unjust to me," Malik continued, "that there are clinics in the U.S. that provide misleading information or conduct deceptive tactics to steer pregnant people away from abortion care if that’s the path they choose to take."

Malik stated that, with the new CPC notice, Yelp hopes to "better match" women seeking an abortion with licensed providers and lessen the chances that such women will be directed toward CPCs instead.

It is unclear whether women seeking pregnancy support services who mistakenly select an abortion provider on Yelp will be redirected toward businesses that better match their search needs.

Many CPCs were "review bombed" on Yelp after the Dobbs decision from SCOTUS earlier this year, prompting Yelp to prevent commenters, who were mostly abortion-rights activists, from adding poor reviews, according to Business Insider.

Other Big Tech firms have likewise attempted to adjust some of their policies to protect abortion after Roe. On Tuesday, the Alphabet Workers Union petitioned Google to address several abortion-related issues, including "misleading search results related to abortion services."

Yelp announced earlier this year that it would provide full financial support to any employee or employee spouse seeking an abortion out of state.

H/T: Daily Wire

Yelp joins growing list of companies offering to pay employees' travel expenses to get abortions

Yelp on Tuesday became the latest major company to offer to pay for employees to travel out of state to obtain abortions as a work benefit.

The company is acting in response to states with Republican-controlled legislatures that have advanced pro-life laws banning abortions after an unborn baby develops a heartbeat or has developed the ability to feel pain, among other restrictions. Yelp will cover the travel costs for any of its 4,000 employees who wish to go to a state without abortion restrictions to kill their unwanted children.

“We’ve long been a strong advocate for equality in the workplace, and believe that gender equality cannot be achieved if women’s healthcare rights are restricted,” Miriam Warren, Yelp's chief diversity officer, said in a statement issued Tuesday.

On the same day, the Republican governor of Oklahoma signed legislation that would make it a felony to perform an abortion in the state. The law states that "a person shall not purposely perform or attempt to perform an abortion except to save the life of a pregnant woman in a medical emergency.”

Other red states like Texas and Mississippi have enacted laws banning abortions after six weeks, when a baby develops a heartbeat, or at 15 weeks, which is after the baby's sex becomes apparent and it will soon be visible on ultrasound images. Yelp has about 200 employees in Texas, according to MarketWatch.

Mississippi's 15-week abortion ban is the subject of a lawsuit brought to the U.S. Supreme Court that could decide the future of abortion in America, with the 6-3 majority of Republican-appointed justices poised to roll back the constitutional right to an abortion established in the court's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

In the event that Roe is overturned, 26 states have so-called trigger laws that would ban or severely restrict abortion access, prompting Yelp and other companies to create new abortion benefits for employees.

Citigroup in March became one of the largest U.S. companies to pledge to cover employees' travel costs if they leave their states to seek an abortion. The company has more than 220,000 employees, with thousands of employees in Texas.

"In response to changes in reproductive healthcare laws in certain states in the U.S., beginning in 2022 we provide travel benefits to facilitate access to adequate resources," Citi said in a letter to shareholders.

Dating app companies Bumble and Match Group followed, as well as ride-share companies Lyft and Uber.

"The company generally does not take political stands unless it is relevant to our business," Match Group CEO Shar Dubey said in a memo to employees. "But in this instance, I personally, as a woman in Texas, could not keep silent."

While these companies risk alienating customers who support pro-life laws, they create a market opportunity for competitors that embrace conservative values.

Antifa begins compiling lists of businesses to add to Yelp's 'racism' blacklist

After Yelp announced plans to place alerts on businesses accused of "racist behavior," an Antifa group responsible for organizing the violent Portland riots is now compiling a blacklist of pro-police and anti-Black Lives Matter companies.

New Yelp Feature Allows Users To Accuse Businesses Of ‘Racist Behavior’

Yelp announced they will "place a new Business Accused of Racist Behavior Alert" on the pages of businesses that "gain public attention for reports of racist conduct."

Yelp will flag businesses accused of racist behavior; conservatives point out major flaw in new policy

Yelp, , a website and an app where users rate businesses, will now flag businesses that have been accused of "overt" racism. Yelp announced on Thursday a new alert that will warn users when "someone associated with this business was accused of racist behavior."

"As the nation reckons with issues of systemic racism, we've seen in the last few months that there is a clear need to warn consumers about businesses associated with egregious, racially-charged actions to help people make more informed spending decisions," Yelp said on the company's blog. "Now, when a business gains public attention for reports of racist conduct, such as using racist language or symbols, Yelp will place a new Business Accused of Racist Behavior Alert on their Yelp page to inform users, along with a link to a news article where they can learn more about the incident."

The San Francisco-based company will post a red icon at the top of the page of the accused business with the words: "Business Accused of Racist Behavior Alert." There will be a link to a news article about the alleged racist incident so users can "learn more."

The alert reads, "Recently someone associated with this business was accused of racist behavior, resulting in an influx of people posting their views to this page." Once the alert is enacted, Yelp disables any new reviews for the profile of that business, and an investigation is launched.

"While we understand the desire to warn others about racist behavior associated with a business, all reviews on Yelp must reflect an actual first-hand consumer experience," the company said.

"The new Business Accused of Racist Behavior Alert is an extension of our Public Attention Alert that we introduced in response to a rise in social activism surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement," Noorie Malik, Yelp's vice president of operations, said in the statement. "If someone associated with a business is accused of, or the target of, racist behavior, we will place a Public Attention Alert on the business page to warn consumers that the business may be receiving an influx of reviews as a result of increased attention. For businesses accused of overtly racist actions, where we can link to a news article, we will escalate our warning with the Business Accused of Racist Behavior Alert."

Yelp said between May 26 and Sept. 30, it had "placed more than 450 alerts on business pages that were either accused of, or the target of, racist behavior related to the Black Lives Matter movement."

Many people on social media pointed out the major flaw in the new policy, and how the new alert could be weaponized by activists to target companies they disagree with.

"People weaponize @Yelp reviews all the time. Businesses are easily caught up in the culture war. The charge of racism is too easily made; enabling this feature is a terrible decision for small businesses all across America," tweeted Spectator editor Melissa Chen.

"Honest to God I read this tweet without looking at the account and thought it was a parody. But no, it's real. Yelp is really giving race hoaxers a specific tool to destroy any business they want on a whim," Daily Wire commentator Matt Walsh wrote on Twitter. "This is the most insane idea I've ever heard and I hope you are sued into bankruptcy."

"Didn't think this one through, did you? You are going to be buried under lawsuits you'll never recover from, rightfully so," said Amber Smith, former deputy assistant to the Secretary of Defense.

Harmeet K. Dhillon, lawyer and founder of the Center For American Liberty, said Yelp is "weaponizing defamation," adding, "More work for me, more litigation for you."

"Hate a business? Apparently Yelp has provided you with a tool to seek revenge. Yep, no chance this atrocious idea backfires. None," said Erielle Davidson, senior policy analyst at JINSA.

Lauren Chen, host of BlazeTV's "Pseudo-Intellectual," wrote, "Yelp is introducing a 'Business Accused of Racist Behavior Alert' for businesses. I say we nominate every single business that implements affirmative action hiring or promotes critical race theory for such a warning."

Several commentators responded to Yelp's announcement by sharing a 2019 Business Insider article titled, "At Yelp's Phoenix office, some insiders say a 'boy's club' atmosphere fueled racism, sexism, and a hard-partying culture — on top of regular verbal abuse from customers."

Business Insider said they spoke to nine current and former Yelp employees who worked at the company's office in Phoenix. The current and ex-employees claimed they experienced "racist comments, inappropriate conduct, bacchanalian parties, a clique-y atmosphere, failures of trust in management, and drug use in the office."

Activists attempting to damage the reputation of a business that doesn't subscribe to their own ideologies is a tactic that has been previously exploited. As TheBlaze reported in August, an activist group threatened Louisville business owners with possible repercussions, including negative reviews on social media, if they don't satisfy their list of demands.

Demands included requiring diversity and inclusion training for all staff members on a biannual basis, purchasing a minimum of 23% inventory from black retailers or make a recurring monthly donation of 1.5% of net sales to a local Black nonprofit or organization, and display a visible sign that increases awareness and shows support for the reparations movement.

An activist group established a "Social Justice Rating System," where businesses are given a grade for how many of the demands they submit to. The organization gives businesses a sort of social credit score, "Ally," "Complicit," and "Failed."

If businesses do not comply with the demands, protesters would respond by launching negative reviews and writing disparaging social media posts about the businesses.

Fernando Martinez, a Cuban immigrant who owns a restaurant in Louisville, said activists were employing "mafia tactics" to intimidate business owners into social justice.

Yelp pledges to create 'warning label' for companies accused of racism

Yelp has announced plans to create a blacklist of companies that have been "associated with egregious, racially-charged actions."