Qatari Foreign Agents Secretly Paid $250K for PBS Documentary

Qatar, the oil-rich gulf monarchy that harbors Hamas and other terrorist groups, has used a number of conduits to influence unwitting American audiences: tens of millions of dollars in funding for universities, think tanks, military museums, and alleged bribes to prominent members of Congress. Add PBS documentaries to the list.

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FACT CHECK: Image Claims To Show Hit US Destroyer Hit By Yemen

An image shared on X claims to show a U.S. destroyer hit by Yemen. Yemen Has Targeted an American destroyer in the Red Sea!!! W😎w🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 — LEYLA (@LeylaRostami) June 16, 2024 Verdict: False The image appears to be from a Chinese amphibious assault ship doing a smoke screen test in 2023. Fact Check: Just this […]

FACT CHECK: Video Claims To Show Israeli Ships On Fire

This video is from 2019 and was taken in the Kerch Strait near the Crimea, not Israel

FACT CHECK: Video Claims To Show Missile Hit On USS Dwight D. Eisenhower

This video appears to be from ARMA 3 and does not show the Eisenhower being hit by a missile

FACT CHECK: Video Claims To Show USS Dwight D. Eisenhower On Fire

A video shared on X claims to show the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower on fire after a Houthi strike. Yemen atacó el portaviones Eisenhower. Se llevó a cabo con misiles de crucero balísticos y el impacto fue preciso y directo. Aunque se difundió un video, EEUU mantiene silencio. Si se confirma, entonces los descalzos guerreros acertaron […]

FACT CHECK: Video Claims To Show US Destroyer Hit By Houthi Missile

A video shared on X claims to show the USS Mason, a US Navy destroyer, being hit by a Houthi missile. “🚨BREAKING: The #US destroyer ‘Mason’ was precisely hit in the Red Sea. For the first time, the military spokesperson of the Yemeni Armed Forces, Brigadier Yahya Saree, announces a direct hit on the destroyer, indicating […]

FACT CHECK: Video Claims To Show Yemeni Missiles Being Launched At Israel

A video shared on X claims to show Yemeni missiles being launched at Israel. After the launch of suicide drones by #Iranians towards #ısrael, Yemen has also launched missiles at Israel. Tel Aviv is on high alert and Iron Dome is ready. World War III or not, but this will definitely have an impact on oil […]