Conservative student forced to hide in bathroom as 'angry mob' of protesters targeted her at Allen West event: They were 'hunting me down ... I was afraid for my life'

The student organizer of retired Lt. Col. Allen West's lecture at the University at Buffalo last week said she was scared for her life when an "angry mob" of student protesters chased her down following the event.

What happened?

Young Americans for Freedom President Therese Purcell claimed recently that she was forced to hide in a men's bathroom on campus after being separated from the police escort and being targeted by dozens of protesters on Thursday.

West had been invited on campus as part of the conservative student group's lecture series. The event was titled, "America Is Not Racist — Why American Values Are Exceptional."

Throughout the event, dozens, if not hundreds, of protesters flocked outside the venue to denounce West's appearance, shouting chants such as "Black Lives Matter" and "No Justice, No Peace!"

According to video of the event, things got particularly heated during a Q&A session. Then, during a meet-and-greet, things spiraled completely out of control.

Leftist Mob Berates Conservative Students, Allen West Escorted Out By

"I realized I was the target for these protesters, and about 200 of my fellow students started hunting me down on campus," Purcell recalled in an interview with Fox News. "They started chasing me [and] screaming, 'Go get her! Go get her! Capture her! Get the girl in the red dress!'"

Purcell said she was able to narrowly escape the crowd by running away and hiding in a nearby men's bathroom. But she claimed another one of her club members wasn't so lucky. He was allegedly punched and kicked by protesters.

Purcell added that she was fortunate to have escaped and didn't know what would've happened to her had she been caught by the mob.

"I was really afraid for my life since they physically assaulted my friend, and like I said, they were screaming, 'No peace!'" she told Fox News. "I don't think they were going to do anything remotely peaceful. They were a very angry mob, and they were clearly saying that they were trying to chase me, that they wanted to capture me."

"So I'm afraid of what would have happened if I wasn't able to hide from them," she added.

What else?

In a statement Friday, Purcell said, "I am unbelievably disturbed that I was chased by a leftist mob and scared for my life on my college campus all for hosting Lt. Col. Allen West, a conservative speaker," adding, "The assault on free speech at the University at Buffalo by an angry mob is incredibly unacceptable."

West, a former Republican congressman, had to be escorted from the venue by police officers due to the presence of angry protesters.

The university and its on-campus police department have since launched an investigation into claims of harassment stemming from the event. According to WKBW-TV, so far no reports of assault have been filed.

"The university is conducting a thorough review of events and activities leading up to, during, and after an appearance by former congressman and retired Army Lt. Col. Allen West, including the posting of anonymous social media messages threatening students protesting West’s speech and harassment of students after the speech," the school said Friday.

WATCH: Student senator caught red-handed removing American flags from 9/11 memorial

A student senator at Washington University in St. Louis was caught red-handed removing American flags from a 9/11 memorial and stuffing them in trash bags at around 6 a.m. on Sept. 11.

In a video posted by Young Americans for Freedom, the student is seen removing American flags from the memorial dedicated to the 20th anniversary of 9/11 on the lawn of the university and shoving them in at least five trash bags. There were 2,977 flags placed on Mudd Field, representing each 9/11 victim murdered at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and on United Flight 93. The memorial is part of YAF's 9/11: Never Forget Project.

WOW: A student senator at @WUSTL was caught on video throwing away 2,977 American flags from conservative students'…

— YAF (@yaf) 1631390127.0

YAF identified the student as Fadel Alkilani, who is the vice president of finance for the student union.

Alkilani allegedly said, "I did not violate any university or legal policy. Now go away."

Nathaniel Hope, a member of the WU College Republicans who filmed the video, claimed Alkilani showed "no remorse."

It appears that Alkilani deleted his Twitter account, where he previously attempted to justify the desecration of the tribute to the 9/11 victims as a "protest against American imperialism and the 900,000 lives lost as a result of post 9/11 war."

He did gripe about being condemned for removing the American flags from the 9/11 memorial on Instagram.

"Republicans attacking me in the replies," Alkilani wrote on his Instagram, referring to a post from Washington University in St. Louis about the 9/11 memorial.

"Republicans are coming for me for real," he said in another Instagram story.

Alkilani attempted to defend his actions, calling it a "flag relocation incident." He claims that he had "no intention of removing the flags from the Mudd Field area." The student senator alleged that he planned on leaving the American flags in trash bags on the field along with "various statistics explaining the human cost of 9/11 in the past 20 years."

Students said Alkilani also tried to destroy the memorial on Friday night, but was instructed to stop by campus police, according to Fox News.

Julie Flory, Washington University in St. Louis Vice Chancellor for Marketing and Communications, provided a statement to Student Life, the university's student newspaper.

"We were disappointed to learn about the disruption to the 9/11 display on Mudd Field," the statement read. "We condemn the interference with the expression of support by the College Republicans for the victims of the national tragedy that took place 20 years ago today."

College Republicans president junior Nick Rodriguez said that Alkilani "made a mockery of one of the most somber days in American history," and should be disciplined.

"At minimum, I believe he should be removed from both SU and his [resident advisor] position, as what does it say to be a top American institution, and have yourself represented by a student leader who has no respect for property, campus traditions or the remembrance of thousands of lost lives," Rodriguez said in a statement. "Today is about remembering the tragedy, 20 years ago to the day, not to make a political statement. Any reason he can conjure to remove the flags I find ludicrous."

Washington University in St. Louis officials have declined to say whether Alkilani would be disciplined.

YAF also reported that a 9/11 memorial was vandalized at Michigan State University. Late Friday night, the 9/11 memorial was vandalized to remove the word "Never" from "Never Forget." The word "Israel" was spray-painted across the American flag.

"It's stunning that someone would vandalize a memorial to the victims of the September 11th attacks, but it also underscores why we do this every year—to ensure that the innocent lives taken that day are never forgotten," MSU YAF chairman Charlie Jones said.

Professor says she limits 'interactions' with white people 'as much as possible'

An Iowa State University professor raised eyebrows after revealing that she limits "interactions" with white people "as much as possible."

She also complained that white men "with dirty hair and wrinkled clothes" will always be "liked and higher ranked."

The professor's tweets are protected at the time of this reporting.

What are the details?

According to a Tuesday report from Campus Reform, Professor Rita Mookerjee, who spoke on a student government "Diversity and Inclusion Panel in March," reportedly tweeted that she tries to "limit my interactions with yt people as much as possible."

"I can't with the self-importance and performance esp during Black History Month," she said in a since-deleted tweet.

Iowa State's Young Americans for Freedom tweeted about Mookerjee's remarks and wrote, "ISUStuGov, do you still plan on hosting this professor for Women's Week after she has made repeated racist claims against women of a different race?"

— Young Americans for Freedom at ISU (@IowaState_YAF) 1615146833.0

What else?

The outlet also reported that in 2020, she complained about how "whyte men with dirty hair and wrinkled clothes will always be liked and higher ranked."

She also reportedly complained that a person mistook her for a white person on social media, so she was forced to change her profile picture.

"Someone called me white the other day so #NewProfilePic because I think the f*** not," she tweeted, according to the outlet.

In a statement, the university's student government group said that while Mookerjee's remarks did not "reflect the views of the student government," it would not remove her from the upcoming Women's Week panel.

A portion of the statement said, "Student government does not agree with the content of the comments that were made — no one should be reduced to the color of their skin."

It later added, "The tweets from the panelist do not reflect the views of Student Government: we believe that prejudice based on race or the color of someone's skin is wrong in all accounts. We have decided that the professor will still be invited to participate in the panel; it is important to allow ideas to be shared, even if the find the comments to be wrong. In order to have a true free marketplace of ideas, we must not rescind an offer to speak based on our objection to someone's personal speech."

This is a statement from Student Government President Fritz and Vice President Schrader regarding a Women’s Week Pa…

— Iowa State University Student Government (@ISUStuGov) 1615391994.0

Charles Klapatauskas, president of Young Americans for Freedom at the school, told the outlet, "YAF was not supportive of the decision to not remove Dr. Mookerjee from the women's panel."

"YAF might disagree with the content of the tweets, [but] we firmly stand behind her ability to tweet out such things," Klapatauskas added.

University At Buffalo To Host Segregated ‘Listening Sessions’ After Election

The University at Buffalo is planning to hold "listening sessions" segregated by race Wednesday following the outcome of Tuesday's election.

Why We Can’t Have A Good Society Without Freedom

Sixty years after the Young Americans for Freedom signed the Sharon Statement, it's as true as ever that freedom is a necessity for a virtuous society.