RFK Jr. takes on Big Pharma’s lies — bring on the reckoning!

My vote for Donald Trump has already paid off multiple times in the last month. But even if Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s appointment as secretary of Health and Human Services were the only win, it would have been worth it. And as if the heavens themselves agreed, RFK Jr.’s swearing-in happened just as the University of Washington released the first serious academic study confirming that the COVID mRNA vaccines don’t work.

Hmmmmmm. Why does the University of Washington sound so familiar? Think back to early 2020, when everyone checked COVID forecasts daily to see just how badly we were going to be screwed. Bill Gates and his Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation models from the University of Washington were the driving force behind the primary pandemic propaganda.

Let the lion out of its cage and give the truth its day.

We were told, "The end is near." Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx used IHME’s projections to pressure states into lockdowns, warning that failure to comply would turn America into a scene from “The Walking Dead.” We had to double mask, never touch the so-called “horse paste,” and wait patiently for the sacred Pfizer vaccine to save us. Pfizer gods be praised!

But instead of piles of bodies and a narrowly averted catastrophe, we got one of the biggest grifts in history. And now, the University of Washington is finally admitting it. Or as John Cusack’s Lane Meyer famously put it in the 1985 cult classic “Better Off Dead”: “Gee, I’m real sorry your mom blew up, Ricky.”

For four years, they imposed their worldview on us, no matter how cruel and irrational it was. That goal mattered more than anything else. It mattered so much that they forced it on us through IHME and Big Pharma, despite knowing the COVID shots had a questionable safety profile — including a 7% serious incident rate, as revealed by the CDC’s own V-safe data. The shots poisoned us, and they didn’t work — just as we warned back in 2021 and most recently in my best-selling book with Daniel Horowitz, “Rise of the Fourth Reich.”

Now that we’ve broken free from the grip of the IHME witch doctors, the math is clear. You were at least 160% more likely to suffer an adverse reaction from the COVID vaccine than to be hospitalized for COVID. Worse, you had a 1,600% greater chance of experiencing a serious adverse event from the vaccine than of dying from the virus itself.

Who, knowing that math and not already psychologically and emotionally addicted to the supposed magic of vaccines, would willingly take on that level of risk? No one in their right mind, that’s who.

Instead of rushing even more mRNA technology into the marketplace, the obvious conclusion is to pull it off the market entirely. The only real victory in the risk-versus-reward equation for this unproven medical intervention has been financial — Big Pharma’s relentless pursuit of profit under the “Show me the money!” mantra. Now, despite mounting concerns, these same companies want to use mRNA to cure cancer, even though the technology may already be responsible for causing it.

This is why RFK Jr. is being welcomed to Washington, D.C., with palm branches and hosannas. The time has come for an honest, definitive hearing about what these people did to us — and what they plan to do again.

Let the lion out of its cage and give the truth its day. RFK Jr. will undoubtedly face cross-examination over some of his findings from those who profit from decades of medical and health-related lies. But that debate doesn’t scare me — far from it. I welcome it. After all, when you throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the one that yelps is the one you hit.

Let’s have friction. Let’s have a debate. Let’s have a trial. Let justice roll on like a river.

You’re up to bat, RFK Jr. Swing for the fences.

Did Fauci orchestrate the pandemic? New documentary EXPOSES ALL

A few years ago, Glenn Beck scrutinized all of the evidence related to Anthony Fauci’s gain-of-function research and came to the conclusion that he very well could have contributed to the creation of the COVID-19 pandemic.

But he was always “missing the connecting dot” that would make sense of everything.

BlazeTV host of “Kibbe on Liberty,” Matt Kibbe, who’s been on a mission to break into the COVID secrets vault, believes that we finally have that missing piece — “the smoking gun,” he calls it.

In his docuseries “The Coverup,” Kibbe has been peeling back the layers of COVID lies and fraud and revealing the dark, hidden truths beneath.

In the fourth episode of “The Coverup,” which just dropped yesterday on BlazeTV, Kibbe exposes how Fauci’s sketchy research has weaponized viruses, supposedly in the name of “biosecurity.” He also explains why Biden gave Fauci a blanket pardon going all the way back to 2014, why Fauci was so obsessed with gain-of-function research and “The Science,” and how former NIH director Francis Collins is also involved in this scandal.

Now, Glenn meets with Kibbe to discuss this latest episode that reveals “all of the connecting dots.”

The star of episode four is Richard Ebright, a prominent molecular biologist who was one of the first proponents of the lab-leak theory.

“What Richard Ebright documents in this series is the origins of Fauci’s power, the origins of the money, the origins of this mad science experiment that we were going to sort of weaponize viruses supposedly in the name of biosecurity,” Kibbe tells Glenn, “and it starts with Dick Cheney, who has an obsession about the limits to the government's ability to develop bioweapons agents.”

Kibbe explains that although Richard Nixon signed a treaty outlawing the development of bioweapons, the NIH, USAID, and NIAID “do not have compliance offices.” This allowed for the development of a “money-laundering scheme to do these mad science experiments that they couldn't do legally otherwise.”

“It’s a really evil, arrogant thing that happened,” says Kibbe.

To hear about episode four of “The Coverup,” check out the clip above. To watch the episode, go to FauciCoverup.com. Use the code SMOKINGGUN to get $30 off your first year of BlazeTV+.

Damning new episode of BlazeTV's 'The Coverup' blows lid off Biden's 10-year pardon for Fauci

In an 11th-hour move as he prepared to leave office, former President Joe Biden granted Dr. Anthony Fauci a sweeping pardon covering any potential offenses dating back to 2014 — the same year the United States' ban on "gain-of-function" research took effect.

In the latest episode of BlazeTV's "The Coverup," Matt Kibbe and Dr. Richard Ebright expose the smoking gun behind Biden's unprecedented pardon.

Ebright explained how Fauci leveraged the 2001 anthrax attacks to rise to power. Fauci's willingness to effectively become the nation's "biodefense research czar" resulted in him becoming the highest-paid government employee.

'Fauci's response has been to double down and say he did the right thing.'

"9/11 and the anthrax mailings provided an opportunity, provided an opening, provided a pretext to support a number of activities, and one of those activities was the expansion of biodefense efforts and the redirection of those efforts away from countermeasures and towards research on the biological weapons agents themselves," Ebright told Kibbe.

He explained that former Vice President Dick Cheney sought an agency to conduct such research that did not have — and would not implement — a biological weapons convention compliance office. Cheney's solution was the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the National Institutes of Health, and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Ebright expressed concern about another "deliberate release or, inadvertently, an accidental release." He noted that in 2002, it had become clear that the anthrax mailings were a deliberate attack committed by a worker at a biodefense research laboratory.

"Ironically, the response to that attack from within — a response that began almost seven months before the source had been identified — was to increase the number of institutions ... and the number of individuals ... who had hands-on access to fully infectious biological weapons agents and to do that with no material increase in oversight in safety and security," Ebright said.

Ebright highlighted several harmful biological weapons research projects — including the recreation of the 1918 pandemic influenza virus and the reconstruction of the avian flu for human transmission — which he referred to as Fauci's "embarrassments."

He noted that the research was carried out without first conducting risk assessments.

"Each time, Fauci's response has been to double down and say he did the right thing. 'This is a risk, but I have reviewed this risk, and I, Dr. Fauci, have determined on behalf of 7.9 billion members of the global public that this a risk worth taking,'" Ebright stated.

Ebright accused Fauci of "repeatedly and flagrantly" violating U.S. policies and then lying in congressional testimony.

Fauci "participated in a conspiracy to defraud the public about the origin [of the COVID-19 virus] in a conspiracy to cover up the origin."

Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) stated that he has referred Fauci to the Department of Justice for prosecution three times after he apparently lied to Congress in 2021, claiming that the NIH never funded gain-of-function research.

"We've detailed his lies to Congress, which are a felony. I've sort of tragically and jokingly said, 'If he were a member of the Trump administration, he would have been arrested long ago.' Because I think we have two standards of justice," Paul told Kibbe. "He certainly seems to be protected."

"The reason the Democrats, I think, coalesced around him is that he represents government, and they think government is the answer to most things," Paul continued. "Any attack on him is an attack on central planning or an attack on government."

Dr. Scott Atlas, one of President Trump's health advisers during his first administration, stated that Fauci, former White House coronavirus task force coordinator Deborah Birx, and former Centers for Disease Control Director Robert Redfield "presided over the worst fiasco in public health history."

"They destroyed — hopefully not irreparably — a younger generation, creating hysteria, massive psychological harms on teenagers and college students, suicidal ideation, cigarettes being put out on their skin, self-harm, a massive spike in anxiety and depression. These are all from the lockdown, not the virus. And an obesity crisis where more than over half of college-age Americans had an average weight gain during 2020 of 28 pounds," he stated. "They did that. They caused that. And the third massive problem with their legacy, they destroyed trust in public health and science."

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Coalition of state AGs seek to bypass Biden pardon and hold Fauci accountable

Just hours before leaving office, former President Joe Biden issued a pardon for Anthony Fauci, giving the fifth director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases a pass for possible federal crimes going back to Jan. 1, 2014 — around the time the Obama administration supposedly halted funding for dangerous gain-of-function research.

While Biden's stated intention was to spare the 84-year-old immunologist from "being investigated or prosecuted," the geriatric Democrat could not ultimately spare Fauci from being held accountable for possible violations of state laws.

South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson and 16 other state attorneys general have launched an investigation into Fauci's role in the COVID-19 pandemic response, "demanding accountability for alleged mismanagement, misleading statements, and suppression of scientific debate."

After referencing damning findings by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic concerning Fauci, the attorneys general urged House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) and Senate Majority Leader John Thune (R-S.D.) in a letter Wednesday to "consider using all available tools" at Congress' disposal to "ensure that former President Biden's shameful pardon does not frustrate accountability."

The state attorneys general evidently have one particular "tool" in mind.

Underscoring that Biden's pardon does not "preclude state-level investigations or legal proceedings," they noted that members of Congress can refer pertinent findings to state officials who "possess the authority to address violations of state law or breaches of public trust."

'We are fully prepared to take appropriate action to ensure justice is served.'

"You are uniquely positioned to assist us by providing us with information that could outline potential courses of action under state law, should they exist," said the letter. "If possible, please furnish us with the necessary details so that we may make informed decisions aimed at holding malign actors accountable."

The congressional report cited in the letter found that:

  • Fauci got the ball rolling on the controversial paper "The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2" with the apparent aim of discrediting the lab leak theory, which is now widely regarded as the most likely explanation. Fauci may have wanted to push the zoonotic origin theory, not only to avoid blaming China for the pandemic but because his fingerprints were all over the alternative origin. After all, EcoHealth Alliance, whose subcontractor Ben Hu — the Wuhan Institute of Virology's lead on gain-of-function research on coronaviruses — was among the pandemic's suspected patients zero, used NIAID funding to collaborate with the Wuhan lab.
  • Fauci "played semantics with the definition of gain-of-function research" in an apparent effort to deceive federal lawmakers while testifying under oath. The report indicated that whereas Fauci stated on multiple occasions that the National Institutes of Health and NIAID had not funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab, his "testimony was, at a minimum, misleading" as such research had been funded through EcoHealth Alliance.
  • The NIAID under Fauci "fostered an environment that promoted evading the Freedom of Information Act."
  • The NIAID failed to adequately oversee EcoHealth Alliance, with Fauci admitting that he signed off on grants without reviewing them.

The state attorneys general noted further that it is clear that Fauci also "led a deliberate campaign to stifle the voices of premier health scholars regarding the lack of adequate testing of vaccines" and engaged in a propaganda campaign that "contributed to serious vaccine injuries — and in some cases, death."

Federal lawmakers may soon get their hands on evidence of other possible causes for state action.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) announced on Jan. 27 that the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee subpoenaed 14 agencies in connection with the origins of COVID-19 and taxpayer-funded gain-of-function research.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) revealed the following day that he had "issued his first subpoena as chairman of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations to the Department of Health and Human Services for records relating to COVID-19 vaccine safety data and communications about the COVID-19 pandemic, including a subset of Dr. Anthony Fauci's emails."

"President Biden's blanket pardon of Dr. Fauci is a shameful attempt to prevent accountability," Wilson said in a statement. "If any of these findings indicate violations of state laws, we are fully prepared to take appropriate action to ensure justice is served."

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Media freakout over Trump pulling security details ignores years of precedent

The former VP had become concerned about his personal safety in recent years

Like a dog to vomit, weak Republicans sabotage their own party

We are not a nation of laws, and we never have been. We are a nation of political will, and we always will be. Take Florida for example.

What is happening in the Sunshine State is a reminder that the Bible is always correct. The dog returns to its own vomit. Which is another way of saying no one rises above his own worldview. No one. If you’re a junkie, you’ll continue to be one until your worldview has changed. If you’re an abuser, you’ll continue to be one until your worldview has changed. If you’re a simp, you’ll continue to be one until your worldview has changed. If you’re a resident of Covidstan, you will continue to hate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. until your worldview has changed.

The opposition to RFK Jr., Trump, or DeSantis isn’t really about principles — it’s about the fragile male egos of the 'nicer than God' Christian-GOP establishment.

If there were ever a place where people instinctively did the right thing because it benefited them — without necessarily believing in the underlying principles — it would be Ron DeSantis’ Florida.

He rejected every GOP consultant’s playbook to transform Florida from a place that narrowly gave him a victory over a guy who once snorted cocaine off a gay hooker’s behind to a place that awarded him a decisive 20-point landslide four years later. And incidentally, his victory contributed to the near-total collapse of the Florida Democratic Party. So obviously, a lot of GOP consultants should never work again, right?

Nope! Oh, look! Vomit!

The Florida Republican legislature is eating it up in the name of protecting illegal immigration in Florida by trying to give the state agriculture commissioner more power to police the matter than the governor possesses, thus trying to turn DeSantis into a lame duck as we speak.

Take notes, my friends, because I promise you this: If the GOP loses the 2026 midterms by pulling its punches and channeling the spirit of Mitt Romney, the same type of Republicans in Washington will try to undermine Donald Trump’s presidency. They resent that both Trump and DeSantis forced them to take actions they had long avoided.

If they can’t accept victory in Florida, seize the momentum, and ride the wave to success elsewhere, they won’t do it anywhere. There is no real conservative movement — only men wielding power.

Which brings us back to RFK Jr. and the opposition to his nomination as secretary of health and human services, led by evangelical figures like Mike Pence.

The GOP’s problems stem largely from the same issues that plague the church. In this case, Republicans with weak pro-life records use RFK Jr.’s stance on baby-killing as a smokescreen to excuse their broader failures. Take Francis Collins, for example — a so-called pious Christian who rubber-stamped Anthony Fauci’s disastrous policies that upended American life and pushed the poisonous jab. Collins has never expressed a shred of remorse.

Meanwhile, within two weeks of retaking office, Trump reinstated 8,000 service members to full rank and back pay after they were purged from the military, cracked down on transgender ideology in hospitals and women’s sports, and ramped up deportations of rapists and drug traffickers who prey on children.

That looks pretty pro-life to me, far more pro-life than anything Mike Pence has done. The opposition to RFK Jr., Trump, or DeSantis isn’t really about principles — it’s about the fragile male egos of the “nicer than God” Christian-GOP establishment, whose only true conviction is maintaining a grifty hold on power.

I’m absolutely done with that vomit. And you should be, too. Be honest with yourself and realize that there is more pro-life action being taken by the Trump administration than in all other GOP administrations combined. Take “yes” for an answer and let RFK Jr. go to work in the battle of wills before us.

Matt Taibbi tells Tucker Carlson why Biden's pardon for Fauci could help bring curtain down on COVID cover-up

Investigative reporter Matt Taibbi and Tucker Carlson recently spoke at length about long-standing efforts by deep-staters to control information flows, apparent last-ditch attempts by elements of the previous administration to embroil the U.S. in a direct conflict with Russia, and the likelihood that President Donald Trump has been targeted for assassination on more occasions than have been publicly admitted.

While the conversation was wide-ranging, it largely centered on the question of what impact Trump's mass disclosures — particularly his planned declassification of government documents — might have, not only on his safety but regarding various matters left unresolved or swept under the rug over the past four years, including the COVID-19 pandemic and its possible manufacture.

Taibbi told Carlson that in this time of revelation and reopened investigations, former President Joe Biden's strategic blunder could ultimately prove to be what forces Anthony Fauci to spill the beans.

While Biden apparently sought to spare Fauci from accountability, Taibbi indicated that the former president's pardon of Fauci on the eve of Trump's inauguration actually painted a target on his back and deprived the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of his key means of self-preservation.

"The thing is about these pardons — they're a mistake. If you want to know what's happening, they just made it a lot easier for us to find out," said Taibbi. "Once the pardon's delivered, the person can't plead the Fifth. If they're brought before a grand jury, they can't take the Fifth any more. If they're brought before a congressional committee, they can't invoke the right against self-incrimination."

'It's going to be like a turkey shoot.'

Citing the insights of past and current congressional investigators as well as criminal defense attorneys, Taibbi suggested that the consensus is that it is "illogical to give somebody a pardon if you're trying to cover up things" unless "there are very serious crimes involved."

In either case, the pardon serves as a giant "red flag."

When asked what possible crimes Fauci might have needed cover for, going all the way back to Jan. 1, 2014 — around the time the Obama administration supposedly halted funding for dangerous gain-of-function research that makes pathogens more deadly and/or more transmissible — Taibbi noted that "the one thing that comes to mind immediately is perjury."

"Lying under oath to the Congress. In particular, saying, you know, that we have never funded gain-of-[function] research, that we weren't doing it during this time period — even as there are other people in the government, like the deputy director of the NIH, saying, 'Yes we were,' or Ralph Baric, who was one of the scientists at UNC, saying, 'Yes, absolutely, that was gain-of-function,'" said Taibbi.

Fauci misled Congress by stating in May 2021 that the National Institutes of Health "has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology."

In addition to putting the former NIAID director back on the hot seat, Taibbi suggested that other people with fingerprints all over the pandemic, including Peter Daszak — the British zoologist who was formally debarred along with his scandal-plagued organization EcoHealth Alliance this month by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services — may similarly be trotted out to answer questions, including questions about documents that the Trump administration may release.

"There are documents that we know exist that we're going to get now with FBI communications between the bureau and a lot of these scientists dating back 10 years, and it's going to tell a very crazy story," said Taibbi. "There's a reason why Fauci's pardon is backdated to 2014, because that's the time period that they're going to have to start looking [at]."

The investigative reporter suggested that key questions to revisit with these scientists will be, "When did we start defying the ban on gain-of-function research? ... Why were we doing it? What connection did that have to the Wuhan thing? What kind of advanced notice did we get? What kind of lies were told about it? Who were responsible for those lies? What kind of information did we get about the inefficacy of the vaccine?"

"COVID is a gigantic rats' nest of stuff," continued Taibbi. "It's going to be like a turkey shoot, where every direction they look, they're going to find something revelatory."

The investigative reporter suggested that the Republican-controlled government could illuminate what authorities actually knew about what was going on at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where American tax dollars ended up courtesy of Fauci; whether there was advance warning that the pandemic was coming; and whether investigations into the possibility of a lab leak were suppressed "because of the connections to U.S. research."

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Weekend Beacon 1/26/25

January 25 - 26, 2025

We are barely a week into the second Trump administration and the outrage is spilling forth. It's almost too much to grasp, really. Norm violations are busting out all over. And I'm just talking about Lauren Sanchez's inaugural outfit.

But speaking of norms, Tal Fortgang has a review of Olivier Roy's The Crisis of Culture: Identity Politics and the Empire of Norms.

The post Weekend Beacon 1/26/25 appeared first on .