Simple Observances For Lent, A Season That Can Help Christians Prepare For Persecution

Amid our culture's deepening darkness, there's no better response than to repent, fast, and pray. That's what Lent is all about.
How Christians Have Honored Good Friday For Centuries

How Christians Have Honored Good Friday For Centuries

Good Friday—a holiday in just 10 states—is celebrated by most Christian denominations, with fasting and somber worship services that often end in silence.

How And Where Did The Original Holy Week Happen?

The days of Holy Week can be reconciled by careful accounting of events and by recognizing alternative ways that ancients used to mark time.

How To Make This Lent A Time Of Repentance And Faith

Lent isn't intended to be a staid, formulaic religious practice, but a fountain of grace that points our hearts, minds, and bodies toward the eternal.