Mayo, Cleveland Clinic, And Other Major Hospital Systems Put White People At Back Of Treatment Lines

Patients and their families should reject programs that undermine individualized medicine in favor of racially balanced outcomes.

Nonprofit Sues Northwestern University Over Discriminatory Affirmative-Action Hiring Practices

'Faculty hiring at American universities is a cesspool of corruption and lawlessness,' Jonathan Mitchell asserts in the lawsuit.

Obama-Appointed Judge Smacks Down Marc Elias’ ‘Absurd’ Election Lawfare

It’s what you might expect from a firm headed by one of the chief architects of the Russia collusion hoax.

Democrat Media Are Horrified At Trump’s Plan To End Federal Racial Discrimination

Trump plans to reverse federal agencies' practices of using antidiscrimination laws to discriminate against white people, Axios reported.

No, The Supreme Court Did Not Carve Out A Military Exception In Race-Based Admissions

Contra some accounts, the court did not hold that equal protection principles do not apply to the military academies’ admissions practices.

Pride Is The Flag Of American Occupation

The United States is undergoing a regime change, and the pride flag is its emblem.

A Lone Bureaucrat Has Denied Due Process And Unemployment Benefits To Massachusetts’ Unvaxxed

Massachusetts workers who refused the Covid-19 jab have been cut out of the state’s social safety net by an unelected bureaucrat.

No One Should Be Forced To Choose Between His Faith And His Paycheck

Without action by the Supreme Court, employers will continue to feel safe denying religious accommodation requests.

Will The Supreme Court Finally Put The Kibosh On Harvard’s Race-Based Admissions?

With Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard, the Supreme Court can rededicate the nation to the ideals of colorblindness.

If Barring White People From Getting The Monkeypox Shot Isn’t Racism, What Is It?

Why are so-called progressives determined to enact policies that pit lower class groups against one another?