Gift Guide To Seasonal Family Books From Small And Indie Publishers

Small publishers are bringing out new classics and reviving old ones. Check out these Advent and Christmas family books.

Libraries Are Indoctrinating Your Kids, Not Fighting Censorship

Move aside, Goodnight Moon. The newest children’s classics are hitting library shelves near you … and they’re kinky in all the colors of the rainbow. I walked into my local Chicago Public Library (CPL) branch, heading over to the holds section to pick up my newest read. Book secured, I went to check out, passing […]

Thanks To 21st-Century Snobs, Classic Literature Is ‘Gone With The Wind’

Growth stems from discomfort. If classic books are removed from public consumption and discourse, then personal growth will stagnate.

What Benjamin Franklin’s ‘Autobiography’ Can Teach Us About Humility

Who knows what a little experiment in self-imposed humility could teach those who seem so confident of their right to judge and control others?

When Cheap, Angry Trends Have Died Out, The Classics Will Remain

The classics are classics for a reason and offer valuable, time-worn lessons about humanity itself.