Universities Are Canceling Commencement. Students Should Skip It Anyway

I did a lot of stupid things in college. Skipping my commencement ceremony on the National Mall is not one of them.

Anti-Israel Anarchists Rob Covid Students Of Their Second Graduation Ceremony

By refusing to punish the unlawful acts committed by anti-Israel anarchists, colleges are robbing graduating students of their commencement.

Dear Fellow Graduates: Senioritis Is A Good Thing. Here’s Why

Being ready to move on to a new season doesn’t mean loving the moments from college any less. It means those lessons have accomplished their goal.

Read Mitch Daniels’ Charge To Graduates: ‘The Biggest Risk Of All Is That We Stop Taking Risks’

Purdue University President Mitch Daniels warned that the pandemic snuffed out the American eagerness to take risks and move ahead boldly.