Immigration traditionally ‘a weapon’ used to change demographics; Ireland overwhelmed

The United States isn’t the only country overwhelmed by an influx of illegal immigrants, as Ireland is suffering a similar fate.

“God be with the days when it was just Polish immigrants,” YouTuber Keith Woods tells Lauren Chen. “People will be nostalgic for that soon.”

“It’s happening in all the anglosphere countries, but like Canada, the U.S., Ireland — they all increased their population by about 3% in just the year after COVID purely through immigration,” Woods continues. “Ireland had a 3.5% increase in a single year in 2023, which is one of the biggest population increases ever in any country for any reason.”

According to Woods, illegal immigration has exploded in Ireland “because the government has essentially advertised the services that are on offer here for asylum-seekers.”

Woods also warns that Ireland has welcomed 10 times the EU average of Ukrainian refugees.

“So within the last three, four years, there has been this kind of convergence of record legal immigration, record illegal immigration with asylum-seekers, so-called, from outside Europe, flooding in from countries like Nigeria, Algeria, and then also the Ukrainian crisis,” he explains.

While skepticism of illegal immigration has existed among citizens, it hasn’t been matched politically.

“Every political party supported this; there was total elite consensus, total consensus across the political paradigm, entire media consensus. So it’s an interesting case right now,” he says.

Chen notes that the stats reflecting Ireland’s immigration boom might not sound that serious, but they are.

“Speaking of 3%, I think when we just hear that number, that doesn’t sound that big,” Chen says, “but what I think people really need to understand is that left to their own devices, I’m pretty sure Ireland’s own native birth rate is below replacement.”

“So the fact that it’s growing by 3%, it’s actually even more than that because I’m pretty sure there’d be a slight population decline if there were no immigration,” she adds.

Woods notes that immigration isn’t simply to help others, either.

“Traditionally, this has been a weapon that’s used to change the demographics,” Woods says. “That’s a difficult thing to reverse.”

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Caitlin Clark attacked on and off the court; critics accuse her of ‘white privilege’

Caitlin Clark was on the receiving end of a hard foul from Chicago Sky guard Chennedy Carter during her WNBA game on Saturday — and it seemed the attack was for no apparent reason.

While no one is sure what prompted the attack, Sunny Hostin of “The View” has a theory.

“I do think that there is a thing called pretty privilege, there is a thing called white privilege, there is a thing called tall privilege, and we have to acknowledge that,” Hostin began.

“And so, part of it is about race because if you think about the Brittney Griners of the world, you know, why did she have to go to play in Russia, because they wouldn’t pay her,” she concluded.

Lauren Chen agrees that there is such a thing as pretty privilege and tall privilege but does not agree with Hostin’s comments about race.

“I think tall privilege is especially going to help you in the WNBA, but I just don’t understand the obsession with automatically, we have to make it about race. From what I understand, it seems like Caitlin Clark is measurably just a better player than these other women, regardless of what their race is,” Chen says.

“I think it’s just a lot easier to say, ‘Oh, well you’re only making it because you’re white,’ then just admit that ‘Yeah, you’re actually better than these other players,’” she adds.

While Chen disagrees with Hostin’s take, "The View" cohost isn’t alone in her views.

Jemele Hill also called Caitlin Clark’s fame “problematic” and about “race and sexuality.”

“We would all be very naive if we didn’t say race and her sexuality played a role in her popularity,” Hill told the L.A. Times. “While so many people are happy for Caitlin’s success — including the player; this has had such an enormous impact on the game — there is a part of it that is a little problematic because of what it says about the worth and the marketability of the players who are already there.”

“Well, maybe marketability is in part based on performance,” Chen comments. “And it kind of seems like Caitlin Clark is just a better performer regardless of her race or her sexuality.”

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Womp, womp! Massive layoffs hit Media Matters after Elon Musk lawsuit

Media Matters has solely existed to be a watchdog against the right for years, often seeking to ruin the lives of conservatives via cancel culture.

Now, the media company is having massive layoffs after Elon Musk brought it to court in November — and Lauren Chen is not above celebrating.

“They are a leftist watchdog organization that basically just exists to smear right-wing figures. And to be clear, the problem here is not that Media Matters advances, like, leftist talking points kind of, like, the Young Turks. No, Media Matters is really in a totally separate category,” Chen says.

“It seems like all they do is sit around consuming right-wing content, looking for sound bites or unflattering quotes to take out of context in the hopes of canceling right-wing figures,” she continues, adding, “and I therefore hate them.”

Last year, Media Matters messed up when it attempted to smear the wrong person and ended up getting sued by Musk. Media Matters was accused of manufacturing a report to show advertisers’ posts alongside neo-Nazi and white nationalist posts in order to “drive advertisers from the platform and destroy X corp.”

“They were essentially trying to play the algorithm to get really unflattering screenshots for X, even though for the average user this is not at all what would appear if you were using the platform,” Chen explains.

The media company has just now been forced to fire at least a dozen staffers.

“We’re confronting a legal assault on multiple fronts, and given how rapidly the media landscape is shifting, we need to be extremely intentional about how we allocate resources in order to stay effective,” the president of Media Matters, Angelo Carusone, said in a statement.

“For right-wing content creators like myself, that means there’s going to be fewer people out there looking to basically quote mine you in the hopes of destroying your career,” Chen says happily.

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Dave Chappelle's pro-Palestine comments just might cost him his conservative audience

Dave Chappelle may be one of the most beloved and controversial comedians in America, but at a recent show he put on in Boston, some of his fans weren’t laughing.

The comedian used his set to criticize the United States for backing Israel’s “war crimes” against Palestinians, which reportedly caused a few audience members to walk out.

Chappelle condemned Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel that left over a thousand Israelis dead but told his audience that students who are publicly supporting Palestine shouldn’t lose job offers.

According to reports, Chappelle also called Israel's response to the Hamas attacks disproportionate and accused Israel of committing war crimes. He even went as far to say that the U.S. was responsible for aiding and abetting the slaughter of innocent civilians.

Lauren Chen isn’t surprised, as he isn’t known to mince words or cower to criticism.

“He’s the type of entertainer, the type of person where nothing is off limits, and he’s certainly not afraid of being controversial,” she says.

Chen also notes that Chappelle’s approach to the trans issue has been a great example of this, as he has made it quite clear that he believes men are men and women are women.

“He’s tried to incorporate those issues through a comedic lens about, you know, trans issues instead of just going up on stage and delivering essentially what is a political social message.”

However, based on reports from attendees at the show, it sounds like this time might have been different.

According to one attendee, Chappelle responded to an audience member who yelled “shut the f*** up,” by saying “No, you shut the f*** up” and then continued on to say, “You don’t take tens of billions from my country to go kill innocent women and children.”

He allegedly ended his tirade with, “You’re damn right 'Free Palestine.'”

Chen, while not in total agreement with his use of his platform or sentiment, doesn’t believe canceling him is the right move.

“When it comes to the issue of Israel, some conservatives out there are absolutely acting like triggered SJW snowflakes,” Chen says.

“In the same way that criticizing feminism doesn’t make you anti-woman, criticizing BLM doesn’t make you anti-black, criticizing the state of Israel, which is a government and which has a military does not make you anti-Jewish,” she adds.

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The 'passport bro' movement is GROWING, and the feminists are TRIGGERED

In an age when traditional values are disappearing and monogamy and masculinity are often villainized, the new “passport bro” phenomenon isn’t all that surprising.

For those unfamiliar with the concept, the Urban Dictionary defines passport bros as “men who have chosen to seek out foreign women, typically from other countries, for relationships. They believe that Western women have been influenced by cultural and societal pressures to behave in a certain way, and that by seeking out foreign women, they can find a more authentic, fulfilling, and harmonious relationship. This is seen as a way to restore the natural balance between feminine and masculine energy, and to avoid the ‘wickedness’ of Western women.”

While the movement has been met with intense backlash for a number of reasons, Lauren Chen doesn’t take issue with the idea of passport bros.

“I don't think anyone should find it strange that someone would move for a greater likelihood of finding a spouse if in this day and age it's totally common to move for a greater likelihood of finding a job,” she explains.

Many have been quick to demonize the concept as a subtype of exploitation and even human trafficking.

Lauren, however, knows that is not the case, because she spent much of her childhood in different parts of Asia. She attended American international schools and knew several families in which Western men and Asian women were happily married.

She remembers hearing these men express that “they enjoyed having an Asian wife because Western women were often too focused on their careers, but since they had money themselves, really what they were looking for was a partner who could complement them, i.e. do something they couldn’t in … staying home with the kids and helping build a happy, healthy home life.”

Further, “not everyone from a developing country is in poverty,” she explains, debunking the idea that the only reason men seek wives overseas is because they want women who need them just to survive.

The other thing Lauren can’t understand is the mentality of Western feminists (who can usually be found ranting on TikTok) condemning passport bros for seeking more traditional relationships.

“If you're this disinterested in the men who are going overseas because you don't want the lifestyle that they're offering, why do you even care?” Lauren asks.

“Like why is it so triggering that a man who you supposedly aren't interested in is also not interested in you? That's what I don't understand,” she continues.

And lastly, criticizing men for going overseas to find a spouse is a giant double standard. “If an American woman were to meet … a rich foreigner who wanted to bring her somewhere exotic that she's never been, that would be literally a romance novel,” Lauren says.

To learn more about the passport bros movement, watch the full clip below

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