Should Taylor Lorenz and BLM leader be silenced for celebrating violence?
Standing up for the First Amendment is easy when you agree with the speech that’s being threatened. However, it’s standing up for free speech when you hate the words being spoken that really counts.
That’s the difficult position Glenn Beck is taking when it comes to the vile things uttered by ex-Washington Post journalist Taylor Lorenz and BLM co-founder Hawk Newsome. While he loathes the violence both have celebrated in the wake of recent events, he nonetheless supports their First Amendment rights.
Taylor Lorenz has come under fire for her comments following the murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson.
While speaking to Piers Morgan, Lorenz said that she felt “joy” when she got the news of Thompson’s death.
When Piers pressed her on this heinous sentiment, she somewhat recanted it and replaced “joy” with the word “celebratory” — as if that was any better. She then justified her statement by claiming that “greedy health insurance executives like [Thompson] push policies of denying care to the most vulnerable people” and thus his death should be seen as “justice in the system.”
Newsome, angered by the acquittal of Daniel Penny, told a crowd, “We need some black vigilantes. People wanna jump up and choke us and kill us for being loud? How about we do the same when they attempt to oppress us?”
While Glenn is revolted by these two statements that unabashedly condone violence, he knows that they fall under speech that is protected by the Constitution.
He reads from a 1969 court case in which it was determined that speech must be evaluated according to a “two-prong” test: “Speech can be prohibited if it is directed at inciting or producing imminent lawless action,” and it must be “likely to incite or produce such action.”
“Two standards — both of them have to be met,” says Glenn.
Neither statement meets both of these criteria, meaning that while they are reprehensible, they’re technically not illegal and therefore should be protected.
“I hate what these people have said,” Glenn admits, calling the statements from both Lorenz and Newsome “evil,” but “because I'm an American constitutionalist, I defend their right to say it.”
To hear more of Glenn’s analysis, watch the clip above.
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SHOCKING: BLM leader calls for violence after Daniel Penny found not guilty
Daniel Penny was acquitted of all charges and deemed a hero in the eyes of Americans everywhere — but BLM co-founder Hawk Newsome fervently disagrees.
“We need some black vigilantes,” Newsome yelled after the verdict. “People want to jump up and choke us and kill us for being loud? How about we do the same when they attempt to oppress us. I’m tired.”
Jordan Neely’s father also called for something to be done after the verdict, which Rubin believes was another call for violence.
Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” is rightfully disturbed by what he’s hearing from the both of them.
“That is, I would say, as close to calls for direct violence as you can get within the confines of the First Amendment,” Rubin says, adding, “You are not allowed to call for direct violence to people.”
“Then you wonder again, when we see these mobs, whether they’re the BLM mobs or the Hamas mobs or whatever, and they’re breaking into stores and they’re looting and they’re scaring kids and women on the streets and all these things, well, how did this happen?” he continues.
“Well, it’s what we just showed you here. The media kind of lies about the story, racializes something that shouldn’t be racialized, the governor of the state, pre-emptively, before there’s a trial, and all the evidence is out there, immediately says Daniel Penny is the bad guy,” Rubin explains.
“Then you wonder why we’re endlessly in this strange, toxic place that we find ourselves,” he adds.
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As Americans’ Tolerance For Wokeness Dies, The Left’s Appetite For Violence Only Grows
‘We need some black vigilantes’: BLM’s RADICAL response to Penny acquittal
While most sane Americans are celebrating Daniel Penny’s acquittal after protecting fellow subway riders from a violent threat, some, like New York BLM co-founder Hawk Newsome, are outraged by Penny’s acquittal.
“We need some black vigilantes,” Newsome yelled on camera. “People want to jump up and choke us? And kill us for being loud? How about we do the same?”
According to reports, Neely was put in a chokehold by Penny, a former Marine, after threatening others on the subway. Penny did not kill him but rather kept him subdued until police were able to arrive, when he then died in police custody.
However, BLM doesn’t see it that way.
“Just another day in 2024 America,” Keith Malinak of “Pat Gray Unleashed” comments, adding, “That sounded like a threat.”
Pat Gray can’t get over Newsome’s belief that Jordan Neely was killed for “being loud,” noting that instead it was for “loudly threatening women and children.”
“I guess nobody was supposed to do anything. The right thing is to just let him kill three people if that’s what he feels like doing,” Gray says.
“I’m surprised New York didn’t burn yesterday,” Malinak says while Gray adds, “That’s what he’s trying to get going.”
Neely’s father joined Newsome in his outrage, explaining during a press conference after the trial that “the system is rigged.”
“Let’s do something about this,” Neely’s father said.
“Like what? What do you suggest?” Gray asks, adding, “Obviously, he’s calling for violence too.”
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Analysis: Democrats' Campaign To Win Back Normal Americans Going as Poorly as Expected
There are at least some Democrats who believe that to win elections, the party needs to stop alienating the working-class voters without college degrees who comprise a majority of the American electorate. Perhaps the easiest way to achieve this goal would be to stop saying things and acting in ways that normal Americans might consider insane. At least some Democrats appear to be trying, but in general the party's early efforts to appear less deranged and out of touch suggest that many are unwilling or simply unable to abandon their old ways.
The post Analysis: Democrats' Campaign To Win Back Normal Americans Going as Poorly as Expected appeared first on .
'Their Egos are Too Big To Admit That They're Wrong': Daniel Penny Slams Manhattan DA in Post-Acquittal Interview
Daniel Penny, who was found not guilty on Monday for the death of Jordan Neely, blasted the Manhattan district attorney's office in his first interview since the trial, saying "their egos are too big to admit that they're wrong."
The post 'Their Egos are Too Big To Admit That They're Wrong': Daniel Penny Slams Manhattan DA in Post-Acquittal Interview appeared first on .
Daniel Penny was a hero — Alvin Bragg turned him into a villain
America no longer has a single, shared understanding of justice. Two Americas now exist, each applying justice differently depending on who you are and where you live. One America, ruled by common sense and individual courage, praises heroes who stand up to protect others. The other, driven by political agendas and corrupted institutions, punishes those same heroes for daring to act.
This stark division couldn’t be clearer than in the case of Daniel Penny, the Marine whose trial in New York City this week drew strong reactions from both sides across the divided line of justice.
If we let this slide, we accept a world in which heroes are treated as criminals and the law is a weapon for ideological warfare.
Penny was on a subway train last year when Jordan Neely — a man suffering from severe mental illness and reportedly high on drugs — began threatening passengers, saying, “I’m going to kill you all.” The fear on that subway car was palpable, but nobody moved. Nobody, that is, until Penny did what needed to be done. He took action to protect innocent lives.
In the America many of us used to believe in, Penny’s response would be heralded as heroic. His actions mirrored the courage of Todd Beamer on Flight 93, who, on September 11, 2001, rallied others with the words, “Let’s roll,” to prevent further tragedy. But in New York, courage doesn’t seem to count anymore. There, the system turns heroes into villains.
Penny subdued Neely using a chokehold, intending only to restrain him, not kill him. Tragically, Neely died. Penny, filled with remorse, told the police he never meant to hurt anyone. Yet, instead of being recognized for protecting others from a clear and present threat, Penny stood trial for criminally negligent homicide.
In Alvin Bragg’s New York, justice bends to ideology. The Manhattan district attorney has made a career of weaponizing the law, selectively prosecuting those who don’t fit his narrative. He’s the same prosecutor who twisted legal precedent to go after Donald Trump on business charges no one had ever faced before. Then, he turned his sights on Daniel Penny.
A jury may have acquitted Penny, but what happened in New York City this week isn’t justice. When the rule of law changes depending on the defendant’s identity or the prosecutor's political motives, we’re no longer living in a free country. We’re living in a state where justice is a game, and ordinary Americans are the pawns.
The system failed Jordan Neely
It’s worth asking: Where were activists like Alvin Bragg when Neely was suffering on the streets? Jordan Neely was a tragic figure — a man with a long history of mental illness and over 40 arrests, including violent assaults. The system failed him long before he stepped onto that subway train. Yet rather than confront that uncomfortable truth, Bragg’s office decided to target the man who stepped in to prevent a tragedy.
This isn’t about justice. It’s about power. It’s about advancing a narrative where race and identity matter more than truth and common sense.
It’s time to demand change
The Daniel Penny case — and others like it — is a wake-up call. We cannot allow corrupt institutions to punish those who act to protect life and liberty. Americans must demand an end to politically driven prosecutions, hold DAs like Alvin Bragg accountable, and stand up for the principle that true justice is blind, consistent, and fair.
If we let this slide, we accept a world in which heroes are treated as criminals and the law is a weapon for ideological warfare. It’s time to choose which America we want to live in.
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‘I Don’t Know Why I Keep Talking To You’: Jamaal Bowman Dismisses 60% Of Americans Based On Their Skin Color
Megyn Kelly’s scathing response to leftists calling Daniel Penny acquittal racist: 'The BLM era is officially OVER'
While conservatives across the nation rejoiced at the acquittal of Daniel Penny, many on the left are crying racism, insisting Penny was the aggressor and Neely the victim.
Megyn Kelly recently responded to the left’s reaction — specifically the BLM left, who perhaps has been the loudest in its protests.
Dave Rubin plays the clip of Kelly’s “rather spectacular analysis of the situation.”
“Over on Neely’s side, some of them are describing him as the victim. He wasn't the victim; he was the aggressor; he was the criminal on that subway car that day, who was seriously threatening other passengers,” she said, pointing to Neely’s “long history of hurting [passengers].”
And to the person who yelled, “It's a racist country!” in the courtroom, Kelly had the following response: “Hello madam or sir, that's not working anymore. You're going to have to find a new line. I don't know what it's going to be, but the BLM era is officially over — it's over.”
“You had us in some sort of weird psychotic headpin for four or five years, and it's done. Trump is re-elected, and Daniel Penny is acquitted in one of the most leftist jurisdictions in America, despite the fact that he is white and Jordan Neely was black, and they're still yelling, ‘It's a racist country.’ You fools, you absolute fools," she lambasted.
In regard to Neely’s father, who’s now supposedly suing Daniel Penny, Kelly asked, “Where was he when Jordan Neely had dozens of arrests over the years? When he was punching 67-year-old women in the face? Where was the grieving dad then?”
But “now you're totally behind your son? I don't feel sorry for you.”
Dave agrees wholeheartedly with Kelly’s response.
“That's right — this thing had nothing to do with race. This had everything to do with the lawlessness of New York City and the defunding of the police that is pushed by BLM and the progressive people like Kathy Hochul,” he says.
“The death of Jordan Neely is far more on them actually than it is on Penny.”
To hear more of Dave’s commentary and watch the footage of Kelly ripping into the left’s response to Penny’s acquittal, watch the clip above.
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