27 Household Items That Pose A Greater Risk To Your Kids Than A Gas Stove

Despite corporate media fearmongering, a gas stove is one of the less harmful items to have in your family's household.

After Destroying Your Kids’ Education, Teachers Unions Think We Should All Just Hug It Out

Parents across the country can and should take offense at AFT President Randi Weingarten’s dismissive attempt at self-absolution.

There can be no ‘amnesty’ on lockdowns without a reckoning

Letting people off the hook isn't amnesty. Amnesty requires an admission of guilt and a commitment to repairing the wrongs done.

Public Health Elites Who Pushed Anti-Science Policies Deserve Accountability, Not ‘Amnesty’

Fear-mongering virus prophets that prided themselves on public health damaged public trust more than anything else.
Tanaonte/Getty Images

Deace: No 'amnesty' for COVID tyranny

I wrote my forthcoming book, “Rise of the Fourth Reich: Confronting COVID Fascism with a New Nuremberg Trial, So This Never Happens Again,” exactly because of people like Emily Oster. She is legion, and if those like her are allowed to get away with the nonsense she tried to pull this week in the pages of the Atlantic, fascism will be what’s for dinner for a very long time.

Oster, who is a professor at Brown University with a Twitter bio that says – I kid you not – “unapologetically data-driven,” wrote a column titled “Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty: We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID.”

I bring up the part about being data-driven because I, too, would describe myself that way. And had I not been data-driven from the outset of COVID in March 2020, I’m sure I could easily have been overwhelmed by the fear and the lies at the heart of the unrelenting COVID propaganda, just like anybody else. But since something didn’t smell right from the beginning, I began doing my homework, along with a small group of other misfits whose names you now know largely because of the intensity with which cultists like Oster tried to mock, ban, and purge them from polite society.

It is that homework that led me to write another book titled “Faucian Bargain” back in the spring of 2021, which became a #1 best-seller. Because the data already showed, beyond a shadow of a doubt at that point and far earlier, the so-called experts were not only failing to save us but were seemingly in on the scam of the century. If we were in the dark, it wasn’t by accident. It was all part of the plan.

And whether it was the World Economic Forum or Anthony Fauci or the Chinese Wuhan lab that is directly responsible for foisting Covidstan on us two and a half years ago, it was the throngs of Karens like Oster who pathologically cheered the crisis into cult status by faithfully locking down, masking, and jabbing in defiance of scientific reality itself – lest civilization turn into a heaping pile of ash.

Otherwise known as Trump getting reelected.

Now, with Twitter changing hands and the truth having a chance to be set free, Oster looks to avoid the consequences of her actions with “mistakes were made” and “fog of war” mea culpas. Time to move on and forgive, she says, as if humility has been her driving force all along. Well, tell that to Dr. Peter McCullough, who is perhaps the most decorated cardiologist in American history. He is being stripped of his medical credentials as we speak for daring to take a pass on Big Pharma’s Kool-Aid. Or to those across the heavily jabbed world who now are facing higher numbers of excess deaths in 2022 than in 2020 or 2021, when there were either no jabs or far fewer rounds of jabs and boosters.

What are the benign, innocent explanations for those things? There are none. Which is why we must have TrialsAndExecution.com.

Yet there Oster is, Mrs. “data-driven” herself, declaring in her column that despite the countless things she and others got wrong in the past, she’s still certain that “the mRNA vaccines have won out.” Which means she isn’t really reflecting on her past mistakes at all, merely pivoting away from responsibility for some of them so she can freely continue committing other frauds.

To that I say an emphatic hell no. Our zero-accountability culture has been killing us for far too long now, and it is time to put our house in order before it is too late. Oster and her fellow cultists are, at the very least, guilty of a lack of self-awareness that no amount of data can cure. She is the same now as she ever was, believing the world is flat because it is simply what she prefers. And in her grotesquely selfish ignorance, she and her ilk have clearly become a threat to us all.

Far more dangerous to the republic than COVID ever was is the class of scribblers like Oster, whose every insecurity is hidden under the guise of some Quixotic expertise and then spammed out into the universe so she can be made comfortable at the cost of everyone else.

She and others like her must pay by being exposed for their role in this suicide of courage, logic, and decency and, at the very least, never be taken seriously about matters of substance ever again.