Netflix’s ‘Joy’ Shows Early Fears About The Moral Fallout Of IVF Were Justified

[rebelmouse-proxy-image AM-e1732653736450-1200x675.png crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//" expand=1]'Joy' not only diminishes the earliest anxieties about IVF but seeks to mask them under a dramatized, one-sided version of a feel-good story.

Tim Walz’s Position On IVF Shows How Extreme He Is

Before we can have the true “freedom” that Harris and Walz envision, we must stop fooling infertile couples with false hope

Republicans, Stop Letting Democrats Corner You On IVF

Putting preborn life first can only happen if the GOP stops walking into the IVF traps Democrats set for them.

A Few Ideas For Women Who Don’t Want To End Up Childless

'In many ways, my life is what I always dreamed it would be, except for one glaring difference: I am not a mother. I wish I was.'

Trump Announced Taxpayer-Funded IVF Plan Because Pro-Lifers Failed To Step Up

[rebelmouse-proxy-image PM-e1724987421909-1200x675.png crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//" expand=1]The conditions that encouraged Trump to play right into Democrats’ hands on IVF and reproductive tech were not created by him.

Science Has Discovered Natural Fertility Enhancers That Work Far Better Than IVF

Too many Americans don’t know that only 2 to 7 percent of IVF-created babies are ever born, or that there are much more natural ways to overcome fertility difficulties.

If Masculinity Is Bad, Why Didn’t Tim Walz Admit He Ran From War And Couldn’t Father A Child?

For some reason, Tim Walz feels compelled to lie about his military service and obscure the details of his infertility journey.

Tim Walz Lied About How His Children Were Conceived For Years To Attack Pro-Lifers Over IVF

[rebelmouse-proxy-image AM-e1724169345908-1200x675.png crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//" expand=1]Democrats including Walz have lumped IVF into the party’s radical quest to codify unlimited abortion through all nine months of pregnancy.

The New York Times Is Shocked That Pro-Lifers Are Serious About Protecting Babies At Conception

There's nothing off-kilter about pro-lifers promising to shield babies from harm and destruction, whether that be abortion or IVF.