Levin: Trump is right to work toward 'zero' tariffs with the EU

On his nationally syndicated radio show Wednesday evening, LevinTV host Mark Levin lauded President Trump’s announcement that his administration and the European Union president will work toward “zero” tariffs, "zero" subsidies, following trade talks at the White House.

Levin pointed out that if it happens, this will ultimately result in a more prosperous America, unlike seeking protectionist tariffs to shield American industries against global competition, which he criticized on his show the day before. "No tariffs and no subsidies — that's the Levin position! ... Let's see how this works out. I hope it does." Listen:

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Fund: Levin has been ‘vindicated’

As more and more comes out about the Obama Justice Department’s activities surrounding the 2016 campaign, LevinTV host Mark Levin is being vindicated at every step. Despite the Praetorian Guard media, like Brian Stelter, continuing to run cover for corrupt officials, there is no denying that Levin was right over a year ago. That’s the conclusion of National Review’s John Fund.

On Sunday, Fund wrote about how the media only report on “one collusion story.” It’s a brutal takedown of folks like Stelter who rush to the defense of anyone and anything investigating the president, even when shown facts that don’t support their position.  As an example, Fund writes:

But anyone who broaches the thought that there might be two stories relating to 2016 campaign skullduggery rather than just one is viciously attacked. When radio and TV host Mark Levin stitched together mainstream-media reports to allege that FISA-court warrants had been sought by the Justice Department to investigate Team Trump, he was branded a conspiracy theorist by Trump critics. He has since been vindicated.

Fund is exactly right. Levin, the Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel, investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson, and others have been exposing what Fund calls “inconvenient facts” for over a year. Each time they do so, Stelter and those like him have rushed to brand them as “Trump supporters,” “friendly media,” or “conspiracy theorists.”

It seems more and more that once we know the full facts, it is the media who’s going to be left holding the bag for a corrupt law-enforcement and intelligence regime.

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Giuliani says Mueller has admitted what Mark Levin has said for a year

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump's attorney Rudi Giuliani made headlines after telling Fox News that special counsel Robert Mueller has told the president's legal team that he cannot indict President Trump.

Giuliani later told CNN that "all they get to do is write a report," because the Mueller probe acknowledges that Department of Justice guidelines state that a sitting president cannot be indicted.

If this argument sounds familiar, it's because this is the case LevinTV host Mark Levin has been making for a nearly year now. Eleven months ago, Levin explained to listeners of his syndicated radio program that Department of Justice guidelines issued during the Nixon administration and reaffirmed during the Clinton administration conclude that indicting a president would create an unconstitutional burden on the executive branch's ability to carry out its duties.

“So all this talk about whether Trump personally is under investigation for obstruction of justice, or whether Trump violated the law, it will never go to court … if Robert Mueller should seek to indict Trump, a sitting president, in the end the Supreme Court would throw it out,” Levin said at the time.

He went on to repeat this point again, and again, and again. Now it seems Mueller has finally acknowledged what Levin has been saying for a year: that his probe would never result in an indictment of President Trump on charges of obstructing justice.

And now, accordingly, the focus has changed. As CNN the Mueller probe's cheer squad on cable television, CNN, now reports, "A lack of an indictment would not necessarily mean the President is in the clear. Mueller could issue a report making referrals or recommendations to the House of Representatives." (Emphasis added.)

For nearly a year now, there has been constant speculation about whether or not Mueller would indict Trump. All the while, as Levin showed, he never had the power. Now that Mueller reportedly acknowledges he doesn't have the power, the speculation becomes, "What does he report to Congress?"

And this report, as Levin has also argued for nearly a year, will be a case for impeachment handed to congressional Democrats, to be used to begin impeachment proceedings against Trump if they take control of the House of Representatives in 2018.

This was always the plan, and if you were paying attention, you heard it from Mark Levin first.

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