How left-wing billionaires INFECTED Christianity to suppress the religious vote

In a shocking survey by the Barna Group, it’s been revealed that 32 million church-attending Christians are planning to sit this election out and not show up at the ballot box.

“There’s a really important data point in that Barna research, and it’s that it’s not just Christians that are sitting out, it is regular churchgoers, so it’s not just the people who culturally identify as Christians,” bestselling author and Daily Wire reporter Megan Basham tells Liz Wheeler of “The Liz Wheeler Show.”

But why is it happening?

“One, obviously, we have to acknowledge the abortion issue. I think the Republican Party’s conflicting messaging on this cycle has depressed enthusiasm a little bit,” Basham explains.

“But, there’s also something else that I think is more significant going on and that is the fact that a lot of this voter suppression, lack of enthusiasm, has been deliberately orchestrated by left secular foundations and billionaires,” she continues.

Basham believes “they have been working for the last few years to try to convince Christians, ‘Hey, you don’t need to vote. It’s not important that you play a part in the political process. In fact, it could be political idolatry.’”

One example is a Bible study curriculum called “The Afterparty,” which was created by David French, the editor in chief of Christianity Today, and a Democrat Party Duke Divinity professor.

“All three never-Trumpers, two of whom are supporting Kamala Harris openly,” Basham says. “They created this supposed political Bible study curriculum to go into conservative churches, conservative college campuses. There was an effort to get it on 185 conservative college campuses, and it teaches Christians that politics are really complex.”

“‘It’s not always clear who you should vote for, and what we really need to do is turn down the rhetoric, and, in fact, we don’t know how we should vote except on the issue of alleged racial injustice,’” she says, giving an example.

“It makes it pretty clear when you read the curriculum who they want you to vote for, and that curriculum is exclusively funded by hard left secular foundations, Rockefeller philanthropy advisers, and the Hewlett Foundation, which also backed Planned Parenthood and transgender initiatives for youth and things of that nature,” Basham explains, adding, “These are not Christians, and they are funding these kind of operations in order to, I would say, really suppress that Christian vote.”

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SHOCKING: FBI BUSTED for sketchy crime data

President of the Crime Prevention Research Center John R. Lott Jr. has stumbled across some seriously sketchy data released by the FBI.

“We all remember the infamous fact-check in the presidential debate when Donald Trump was talking about increasing crime rates and ABC News was like, ‘There has not been increasing crime rates according to the FBI,’” Liz Wheeler of “The Liz Wheeler Show” tells John.

“This, you have found, is false,” she adds.

“The FBI every September puts out its data for the preceding year. And I noticed, just by comparing the excel files that they put out for last year and this year, for 2022 and 2023, that there were large changes that had occurred in their data,” he explains.

“They have a footnote that says they’ve revised or I guess updated the data for 2022, but beyond that, they mentioned nothing about the change,” he adds.

While David Muir, the moderator of the ABC News debate between former president Trump and Vice President Harris, was citing statistics from this data — John tells Wheeler that the FBI “missed over 880,000 violent crimes.”

“They missed 1,699 murders, over 10,000 rapes, missed 33,000 robberies, and missed 37,000 aggravated assaults. And for property crimes, they missed 198,000 property crimes that they hadn’t included in their numbers,” he explains.

“So when you say that 1,699 murders were missed, what does that mean?”

“Well, it’s kind of a black box. They don’t explain what happened, they just give you the data,” he says.

“It’s so deceptive. It’s also I think a good reminder when the mainstream media and the left have told us, it’s a form of gaslighting actually, over the course of the past year, every time a conservative has said, ‘Listen, our cities are facing an increase in violent crime where our neighborhoods aren’t as safe,’ and the left said, ‘Oh, violent crime is going down,’” Wheeler comments.

“We should follow our guts,” she continues. “We know that the violent crime rate is not going down.”

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DEBUNKED: The left's claims about Christopher Columbus are FALSE

On Monday, America celebrated Columbus Day. Or if you’re a virtue-signaling lefty, the country observed “Indigenous Peoples' Day.”

To those progressives, Liz Wheeler says, “You’re a loser.”

Columbus Day “triggers the left. They think that Christopher Columbus was an evil person; they claim he's a mass murderer who engaged in genocide, slavery – all different kinds of accusations against imperialism, accusations of personal bad character – and I just want to spend today … debunking these lies,” she says.

The accusations directed toward Christopher Columbus, according to Liz, are just part of the left’s agenda to “demonize white men and America.”

Democrats want to “tear down our country, tear down our rule of law, tear down our government,” which is why they defame the white men who built our country, she says.

In regard to the left’s claims that Columbus is guilty of genocide, Liz says, “It’s a historically ignorant claim.”

“According to historians, the population of North America in 1492, the year that Columbus landed, was approximately 20 million people. Within two centuries … approximately 95% of that 20 million people were dead,” she explains.

However, the astronomical decline in population had nothing to do with Columbus. The 95% of people who died were killed “almost entirely by disease,” specifically by the smallpox virus.

As for the claims that Columbus engaged in slavery, Liz says that yes, that claim is true.

“Yes, he did [engage in slavery], and that's wrong and there's no excuse for that,” she says, adding that “almost everybody took part in slavery” in that time period, regardless of skin color.

“Doesn't make it morally right,” but it does offer an “explanation,” she says, adding that the natives the left loves to paint as victims also “warred against each other and took each other as slaves and killed each other and raped each other.”

“Doesn't make it right, but it does change the context of how the left tries to portray Christopher Columbus,” says Liz.

To hear her debunk the left’s claims that Christopher Columbus was an imperialist and a man of poor character, watch the clip above.

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Is yoga demonic? Exorcist’s major warning for ALL Christians

Yoga is aimed at young women as a healthy wellness trend — but is it as harmless as it seems?

Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti doesn’t believe it is.

“Some exorcists would say you shouldn’t even get near it,” he tells Liz Wheeler of “The Liz Wheeler Show,” adding, “I’d steer clear.”

“There are lots of different ways to stretch than to do that, and I’ve just seen the evil results of those who really get into the yoga thing,” Rossetti continues.

Wheeler used to herself believe that yoga was harmless, but has since pivoted from that belief.

“I changed my mind on this personally. I used to think, ‘Oh, if you’re just stretching, like, who cares, it’s just a stretch,’ and then I realized maybe it’s the near occasion of evil that’s best to be avoided so that it doesn’t become tempting,” she admits.

The danger of yoga is heightened in the Kundalini version, where some of those who partake have even experienced paranormal events following the yoga practice.

But how do you fix it if this happens to you?

“You pray about it,” he says.

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Attention parents! New database provides detailed breakdown of which facilities are performing sex-change procedures on minors IN YOUR AREA

Stop the Harm is a database created by Do No Harm that tracks and reports on “gender affirming care” for minors taking place in each state, the goal being to “encourage positive change and protect children” from the insidiousness of gender ideology.

With a click of your mouse, you can easily see the exact hospitals in your state that are offering gender affirming care to children, how many sex-change surgeries they’ve performed, how many prescriptions they’ve written, and how many patients they’ve seen.

The site also provides statistics on the worst offending hospitals and doctors in the nation.

It’s a wealth of resources for parents who want to stay informed on one of the most egregious issues of our time.

“This is an ideology; this is not science, certainly not medicine. Medicine is intended to treat something that is wrong — to heal,” says Liz Wheeler. “Over 90% of children with gender dysphoria will outgrow that feeling once they have hit puberty, once they become adults.”

“So if we actually wanted to help young people with gender disorders, we would send them to counseling; we would wait for them to grow up; and we would adamantly refuse to transition them,” she continues.

While the movement is certainly driven by a destructive ideology, it’s also driven by something perhaps even more nefarious: the love of money.

“You'll never guess how much money these hospitals and doctors profited off of mutilating these children in the name of gender ideology,” says Liz, who invites the director of programs at Do No Harm, Michelle Havrilla, to the program to discuss the revolting statistics on the Stop the Harm database.


“We're told, of course, by the left that sex changes on children don't happen, but what did you find when you were analyzing this data?” Liz asks.

“The data show that approximately 14,000 children throughout the country under the age of 17 and a half have received some type of sex-change treatment — whether it be surgery, such as a body modification surgery, hormones, or puberty blockers — totaling, in terms of claims submitted, $120 million over a four-year period between 2019 and 2023,” says Havrilla, adding that this is “a very, very conservative estimate.”

To amalgamate the statistics in its database, Do No Harm only “looked at insurance data,” as it was barred from accessing other sources of information.

“Kaiser for one does not allow their data to be public. We don't have information on self pay, and we also don't have information on charity pay,” says Havrilla, adding that in the state of California where gender affirming care is rampant, “Kaiser is probably the number one payer in the state.”

“When we looked at California, we saw a total of $23 million of submitted charges within that time frame of 2019 to 2023, so without the addition of Kaiser to that, we suspect that it's probably higher,” she explains.

Another factor that’s skewing the numbers to be lower than reality is the fact that Do No Harm was “very conservative in [its] methodology.”

In order to ensure that treatments were indeed within the category of gender affirming care, Do No Harm “matched [procedures and prescriptions] with a gender diagnosis code or an icd10 code.”

We did this “to make sure that really there was not any ambiguity in what we were presenting,” Havrilla tells Liz.

To sum that up, the stats you’ll find on the Stop the Harm database are already telling (and horrifying), but they’re merely scratching the surface when it comes to the reality of how many children are being butchered by the medical industrial complex that sees our most vulnerable population as an opportunity to get rich.

To hear more about the work Do No Harm is doing to keep parents informed and children safe, watch the clip above.

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Kamala gaslights Americans: Taxpayers fund FREE housing for illegal migrants

The Biden-Harris administration has adamantly denied responsibility for the crisis at the border and accused those speaking out against its open border agenda of simply being “racist.”

Liz Wheeler of “The Liz Wheeler Show” believes this is nothing short of gaslighting, while Turning Point USA’s Savanah Hernandez is on the ground proving her and other conservatives right.

Hernandez took a recent trip to Brunswick, Maine — and what she found is incredibly damning, to say the least.

Hernandez reported that “migrants are getting their rent paid for up to two years” and even spoke to some of the migrants living in the luxury apartments.

“The migrants shared with us that they come furnished, so they have a flat-screen TV in there, couches, tables, and chairs, a bed. We also asked them, ‘Hey, are you paying utilities here?’ They shared with us that nope, they do not have a water bill, they do not have an electricity bill,” Hernandez explained.

Not only are migrants receiving free handouts from the government, but Hernandez noted that “there is a housing crisis going on currently for residents and these buildings were initially created for Maine residents.”

“But then it was decided that homeless migrants would be living here,” she said.

While Maine residents can still rent an apartment in the same building Hernandez visited, they have to pay around $1,800 for a one-bedroom, and $2,300 for a two-bedroom. The average housing price in Brunswick is around $480,000.

“So there was obviously a lot of outrage when it was first discovered that migrants were going to be housed here for free on taxpayer dollars,” Hernandez concluded.

Wheeler is horrified by what Hernandez found.

“Remember, if you criticize Kamala Harris’ open borders policy, if you rightly acknowledge that mass migration hurts your country, your state, your community, your neighborhood, and your family, then you are racist according to the left,” she says.

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How FEMA is replicating COVID’s playbook

As disaster strikes America yet again, the government response is leaving many citizens with déjà vu — specifically from the COVID-19 lockdowns.

“We are told by President Biden that we have no money left, FEMA is out of money. Alejandro Mayorkas, the DHS secretary says, ‘You know, we don’t have anything left for hurricane season, our budget is completely depleted.’ But what did they do? They gave over a billion dollars to build illegal alien welcome centers,” Liz Wheeler of “The Liz Wheeler Show” comments.

“Then we’re told when we criticize the government, we are told by the FEMA administrator, her name is Deanne Criswell, that our response criticizing FEMA’s response is dangerous,” Wheeler says, noting it’s much like the demonization of those who rejected the government's response during COVID-19.

In a recent interview with George Stephanopoulos, Criswell claimed that the negative response has “a tremendous impact on the comfort level of our own employees to be able to go out there.”

“It’s also demoralizing to all of the first responders that have been out there in their communities helping people,” Criswell continued, adding, “When you have this dangerous rhetoric like you’re hearing, it creates fear in our own employees.”

Wheeler is horrified.

“George Stephanopoulos is doing exactly what the feds did with the Gretchen Whitmer fed-napping. When Gretchen Whitmer locked down her state during COVID-19, she had lockdowns. She prohibited people from traveling from A to B. She forced people to wear masks, and they had the feds basically entrapped,” Wheeler says.

“They created this situation with a bunch of homeless people, drug addicts, and ne’er-do-wells and had them stage, or attempt to stage, a kidnapping of the governor. And the reason that they did this wasn’t because this group of ne’er-do-wells would have actually staged their kidnapping had not the feds suggested it, given them money to do it, encouraged them, and drove them to the location,” she continues.

“The reason they did that is so that they could criticize anybody who dissented from the COVID lockdown narrative and say, ‘Oh, well you must want to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer,’” she says, adding, “That’s exactly what they’re trying to do to us right now.”

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EXORCIST: Is America demonically possessed?

America is undeniably in a state of moral crisis — but does it have anything to do with demonic possession?

While Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti, a Roman Catholic priest and exorcist in the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., doesn’t believe we are possessed as a nation, he does believe Satan’s influence is “getting stronger.”

This is what Rossetti explains as “demonic oppression.”

“Satan’s always been around. So he didn’t disappear,” Rossetti tells Liz Wheeler of “The Liz Wheeler Show.” “Satan seems to be more unmasked today. You know, that sort of hidden presence, he almost seems to be more out front.”

“You see this in many different ways,” he continues. “So I think that we’re really entering a time of spiritual warfare where Satan is burning churches, turning people from the faith, thousands, hundreds of thousands of people practicing witchcraft.”

While Rossetti believes practices like Kundalini yoga are demonic influences, he doesn’t think that people realize what they’re doing.

“You’re making a contract with Satan, whether you realize it or not, and you’re worshipping demons, whether you realize it or not,” he says, adding, “All these people who are practicing these occult things are putting themselves under the sway of Satan.”

On social media platforms like TikTok, there are billions of people watching “WitchTok” videos, which showcase people dabbling in the occult.

“The evil effects are coming to roost,” he says, explaining that one way demonic influences can manifest in human beings is through mental illnesses.

Rossetti, who’s been practicing as a licensed psychologist for 35 years, tells Wheeler that in order to discern whether or not a person is under the influence of demons, he first screens them for psychological problems.

“If it seems like there’s something spiritual going on, then we’ll start to discern, and part of discern is praying over the person. And if they’re really possessed, if the demons possess their bodies, then as we pray over them, eventually, the demons start reacting,” he explains.

“Typically, the person’s personality recedes into the background, the demons come forward, and the first thing they say is, ‘You stupid priest.’”

“It’s not the person's voice, it’s a different voice and obviously a different attitude. And the second thing they’ll say is ‘she’s mine’ or ‘he’s mine,’” Rossetti says. “And then we say, ‘Okay, well, game on. She belongs to Jesus, he belongs to Jesus.’”

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The dark truth about the state of Maine

When people think about the most radical leftist state policies, California, New York, and Minnesota, among others, naturally come to mind.

But one place people often forget about is the easternmost state on the U.S. mainland – Maine.


“Maine doesn't get a lot of attention because the population of Maine is very small compared to other liberal states, but the policies from the Janet Mills administration in Maine are as leftist, as radical, as extreme, as anti-American as Gavin Newsom's policies in California,” says Liz Wheeler, who reacts sympathetically to a TikTok of a Maine mother (@northwoodswifey) lamenting the free immigrant housing being built in her state.

“I just read an article that said they just built 60 new apartment complexes in Maine for migrants for free housing ... in areas where there are already housing crises where people cannot find housing,” said @northwoodswifey. “Why are we not building this s*** for the people that already live here?”

Liz has an answer to the TikToker’s question, but it’s not an encouraging one.

“They are trying to radically transform the entire state by mass migration,” she explains. “They are importing migrants by the tens of thousands into Maine to the point where up to maybe 10% of the population will actually be different in the years to come according to the governor's goals.”

“They're literally using your tax money in Maine to pay for free apartments for migrants while the people of Maine have been struggling economically for quite some time.”

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Doug Emhoff ‘knocking up the nanny’ is just the tip of the scandalous iceberg Kamala Harris is trying to bury

“I always wondered what kind of guy would marry someone like Kamala Harris who slept her way to the top,” says Liz Wheeler.

“Well, the guy that knocked up the nanny would.”

Liz is, of course, referring to Harris’ husband Doug Emhoff, who allegedly slept with his daughter’s nanny, knocked her up, stood by while she got an abortion, and then proceeded to divorce his wife.

However, the nanny scandal is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the dirt on Emhoff.


According to reports Liz says are credible, “In 2012 at a film festival, a drunken Doug Emhoff got upset with his girlfriend because he perceived her to be flirting with another man, and like any male feminist does, he hit her in the face.”

“This is well-documented; there's photographic evidence. Three friends of this ex-girlfriend confirmed that this happened,” says Liz, adding that this report comes from the same source that broke the nanny story.

Despite the allegations, however, there’s been “no response from the Kamala Harris campaign.”

Not only does this “[show] the character of the man,” but it also “shows the character of the woman who chose to marry the man after he did this,” says Liz.

To learn more, watch the clip above.

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