5 Celebrity Criminals the New York Times Should Profile Next

The New York Times should publish more empathetic profiles of liberal celebrities with justice-system involvement. Here are five options.

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Did Elizabeth Holmes Kill The #GirlBoss Buzz?

Elizabeth Holmes of Theranos infamy was found guilty on four counts of fraud this month, finally completing her transformation from #girlboss hero to villainous technocrat.

A Jury Finds Elizabeth Holmes Embraced Silicon Valley’s ‘Fake It Until You Make It’ Ethos Too Hard

By some measure, the trial of Holmes was also the trial of the 'fake it until you make it' Silicon Valley mentality.

America’s Generals Lied, Lost Wars, And Looted The People They Claimed To Serve

Military leaders failed to properly account for their own efforts, misled the public, and then racked up cushy paychecks after the war. They deserve to be punished.

Disgraced Former Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes May Claim 'Mental Disease' in Legal Defense

Elizabeth Holmes, the disgraced former CEO of Silicon Valley darling Theranos, is reportedly considering claiming to have a "mental disease" as part of her legal defense in her criminal fraud trial.