The Woke Fever Broke, So Why Is Bezos Still Banning Ryan Anderson’s Book On Transgenderism?

[rebelmouse-proxy-image PM-1200x675.png crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//" expand=1]When Harry Became Sally is still banned on Amazon, even as the vibes have shifted and Trump successfully campaigned against gender ideology.

Psychology Today's unscientific mission to rebrand sickness as 'superpower'

Scientific American has long traded its credibility for ideology, declaring that biological differences between men and women are imaginary and insisting that sex is merely a social "construct." But if you thought the heights of pseudoscience peaked there, you’re wrong.

Psychology Today seems determined to one-up this lunacy.

One can only wonder what’s next in this circus of rebranding disorder as divine transformation. Perhaps colon cancer will be spun as the ultimate 'spiritual cleanse.'

Neurodiversity: The new snake oil

Consider the outlet's shameless peddling of “neurodiversity” — an ill-defined sound bite used to dismiss decades of research in favor of “affirmations” that feel good but hold no empirical weight.

At its core, neurodiversity refers to the idea that neurological differences, such as autism, ADHD, and dyslexia, are natural variations in the human genome rather than disorders to be addressed. While this perspective may comfort some, it dangerously romanticizes genuine struggles, brushing aside the critical role of evidence-based interventions.

Rather than promoting treatments that could genuinely enhance lives (and no, I don’t mean pharmaceuticals), the neurodiversity movement often prioritizes celebrating “individuality” at the expense of confronting real, debilitating challenges.

The idea is seductive. But it’s also insidious.

Reject rigorous studies, dismiss proven treatments, and replace them with syrupy platitudes. This isn’t harmless; it creates a culture where legitimate suffering is trivialized and essential interventions are framed as oppressive.

By dressing up illness in the language of empowerment, the movement dissuades individuals from seeking help, subtly convincing them that their struggles aren’t struggles at all. They are, in fact, superpowers. And these superpowers should be celebrated.

Worse still, it labels anyone who dares question this perverse narrative as a bigot — a backward fool unworthy of serious consideration.

Fairy tales for adults

But the absurdity doesn’t end there. Enter “lavender marriages,” where supposedly gay and straight partners coexist in blissful union, a fairy tale entirely unsupported by data.

Yet Psychology Today promotes this idea with a straight face, offering it as a plausible framework for relationships. It’s as though fairy tales have not only migrated from children’s books to self-help shelves but have now infiltrated peer-reviewed journals.

And then there’s the magazine's unrelenting advocacy for "trans-identified" men competing in women’s sports.

Here, Psychology Today confidently bulldozes through irrefutable biological realities in favor of ideological zealotry. The overwhelming physical advantages of male puberty — greater muscle mass, bone density, and cardiovascular capacity — are glaringly obvious to anyone willing to look. Yet these differences are blithely dismissed, replaced by a crusade against common sense that prioritizes feelings over fairness.

This is more than bad science; it’s a blatant disregard for women’s safety, equity, and hard-won opportunities in sports.

The pièce de résistance is a recent feature glorifying menopause as a “catalyst for psychospiritual development.” Forget the very real and well-documented symptoms — hot flashes, insomnia, bone loss, and debilitating mood swings. None of that matters when you can reframe this biological bombshell as some mystical gateway to enlightenment.

In this magical world, suffering isn’t something to be mitigated; it’s a spiritual calling, a chance to “evolve” as you lie awake at 3 a.m., drenched in sweat, wondering why life feels like a cruel joke.

One can only wonder what’s next in this circus of rebranding disorder as divine transformation. Perhaps kidney stones will become the “sacred pain” of self-discovery. Will migraines be hailed as “intense meditative opportunities”? Perhaps colon cancer will be spun as the ultimate “spiritual cleanse.” The sheer audacity of pretending that every form of human suffering is some sort of cosmic blessing is beyond absurd — it’s insulting.

Who cares?

Now, you might ask, “Who cares what a ridiculous magazine says?” But Psychology Today isn’t just any magazine. It’s the world’s most widely read psychology publication, shaping the views of psychologists who, in turn, influence legislative policies, educational curricula, and even court decisions. This isn’t just harmless, woke drivel; it’s a dangerous dereliction of intellectual responsibility.

Sadly, none of this should surprise us. Politics, as the saying goes, is downstream from culture, and our culture today is, quite frankly, unhinged. Moreover, science has been hijacked by political motives. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed this rot for all to see, with “experts” bending data to suit agendas and dissenters labeled heretics. The same unscientific philosophies underpin the trans movement, where ideology routinely trumps biological reality.

Psychology, once the pursuit of understanding human behavior through rigorous study, has become a parody of itself.What once aimed to help individuals navigate the complexities of life now offers little more than a curated buffet of half-baked theories dressed up as legitimate truth.

The field’s potential for redemption grows dimmer with each new foray into pseudoscience. Psychology Today’s reputation as an unimpeachable source of accessible and credible psychological insight now circles the drain, taking with it any hope for meaningful reform.

The magazine’s descent into irrelevance reflects a deeper crisis in modern science — one in which ideological conformity has replaced intellectual rigor. What remains is a hollow shell, propped up by institutions that prioritize virtue-signaling over genuine understanding. The damage now permeates our schools, our laws, and our collective psyche, leaving millions adrift in a sea of destructive lies.

'If you want to take it outside': Crockett and Mace fight over men in women's bathrooms

Democratic Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas) advocated in a House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform meeting Tuesday for resurrecting the subcommittee on civil rights and civil liberties — what was effectively a leftist grievance group Republicans disbanded in 2023. When making her pitch, Crockett insinuated that her Republican peers cared little about protecting civil rights or at the very least lacked the courage to do so.

When called out for her apparent hypocrisy and silence about the impact of Democrats' gender ideology-driven policies on women, Crockett attacked Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.), suggesting that she has fundraised off her effort to keep cross-dressers and predatory men out of women's facilities at the U.S. Capitol and at one point calling her peer a "child."

Mace, not exactly a shrinking violet, traded barbs with the Democratic member, ultimately inviting Crockett to "take it outside."

'You all want men with penises, chicks with d****, in the bathroom with us.'

"I don't see the courage that the people that served back in the '60s had coming out of some of our colleagues," Crockett stated in her less-than-diplomatic proposition. "So I'm asking you to do the courageous thing today and just institute a subcommittee that would make sure that we are looking out for those protections for everyone in this country — to make sure that we have real freedom."

Mace, the former ranking member on the defunct civil rights subcommittee, suggested that Crockett's chatter about the infringement of individuals' rights as well as the right to privacy was rich and offensive "coming from a party that can't define what a woman is and won't give women the right to privacy."

"You all want men with penises, chicks with d****, in the bathroom with us. You want women to be forced to undress in front of men in the locker room and in dressing rooms," said Mace, a vocal survivor of rape. "It's so hypocritical for you to sit here and ... be screaming from the rooftops about the right to privacy and civil rights when you don't respect women."

'If I wanted a physical fight, you'd know it.'

Mace turned Crockett's rhetoric against her, suggesting the Texas Democrat not only lacked the courage of previous civil rights champions to "fight for women" but that the policies she supported were endangering women.

Things escalated when Crockett suggested that in order to fill her campaign coffers, Mace is "going to keep saying 'trans, trans, trans,' so that people will feel threatened and, child, listen."

After Crockett called Mace a child, both congresswomen began yelling over one another until Mace said, "If you want to take it outside" — an apparent invitation to resolve their dispute in a less formal setting.

Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-Fla.) suggested that Mace had broken committee rules by possibly inciting violence against another member, but Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) gave Mace an out, suggesting hers was an invitation to step outside for a "cup of coffee, or perhaps a beer."

Mace later noted on X, "I'm no child. And if I wanted a physical fight, you'd know it. That's not what this was. I won't be bullied by someone who wants to take away women's rights while lecturing about civil rights. I won't be bullied by someone who thinks being scared of rape is a 'fantasy.'"

Crockett similarly dragged the beef online, calling Mace both a "Karen" and "an attention seeking loser who clearly has some fundraising goals to hit ... and to be clear that is the only thing that she will hit."

The stated purpose of the committee to which Mace and Crockett belong is to "ensure the efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability of the federal government and all its agencies."

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New Ohio Law Stops Teachers From Talking To Kids About Sex Behind Parents’ Backs

In a sense, the bill turns Ohio schools into mandatory reporters, but to parents instead of government officials.

Blaze News exclusive: Suspect in anti-Trump ATV attack had gender issues, took estrogen, friend says

Last July, a young man driving an ATV committed a series of attacks in Hancock, a small city in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, including slashing tire valves, breaking car windows, and even running down an elderly man putting up yard signs in support of President-elect Donald Trump.

Hancock police almost immediately claimed that the incidents were "politically motivated" since the driver seemingly targeted the property of those who openly supported Trump and/or law enforcement.

In an effort to learn more details about the incidents and the suspect, Blaze News obtained multiple police reports as part of a Freedom of Information Act request. We also spoke with several individuals associated with the incidents. From these conversations, Blaze News learned not only that the suspect had serious mental health issues but that he even struggled with his gender identity and took female hormones prior to the attack.

'Kind of ran me down': Political rage leads to violence

On the afternoon of July 21, 81-year-old Carl Nelson and his brother, 78-year-old Paul Nelson, were outside Paul's home in Hancock, minding their own business, when a man on an ATV came barreling down the street, full of rage apparently directed at then-presidential candidate Donald Trump.

"I was out in the front yard a little bit," Carl Nelson recalled to Blaze News, "and there had been some political signs that had been put up in the yards up and down the street there, and some guy comes along on a little four-wheeler — riding on it, dressed in all black — and comes whipping through, grabbing all the signs, runs across the street with them, and throws them in a swamp pile."

Carl told Blaze News that the driver never spoke, though he previously told police that the driver "started yelling obscenities" and gave the Nelson brothers the double bird.

The driver 'wasn't really targeting Biden people,' he said, just 'more or less the Trump and the Republican end of things.'

The driver then sped away. With the man gone, Carl proceeded to retrieve a couple of the signs and put them back up in his brother's yard.

The act of restoring the signs apparently stoked the ire of the driver, who returned to Paul's street, seemingly determined to remove the Trump signs again. According to a statement Paul gave to police, the driver then suddenly "veered off the road into the yard" and struck Carl from behind.

Carl told Blaze News he never saw it coming.

"He was coming from behind me and kind of ran me down," he explained.

The blow from the vehicle knocked Carl to the ground, where he hit his head and he briefly lost consciousness. Cops and first responders arrived on the scene quickly and transported him to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with a brain bleed. He also had abrasions and deep bruises all over his body.

Composite screenshot of police report

Walter LaPlante, who lived across the street from Paul at the time of the incident, recalled the scene vividly.

"I was sitting there having a couple drinks for the day of my day off, eating breakfast and just having a nice relaxing day, and I see this four-wheeler blow through the stop sign," he told Blaze News. "And about 10 minutes later, I see cops everywhere, and I look out the window, and I see they're down at that fellow's house and there's an ambulance there and about six, seven cop cars."

LaPlante said that such a "politically motivated attack" was "shocking" to his quiet community. The driver "wasn't really targeting Biden people," he said, just "more or less the Trump and the Republican end of things."

Police did not take long to zero in on a suspect: 22-year-old Joshua Kemppainen of Hancock, a name Carl Nelson and LaPlante said they did not recognize.

The day after the incidents involving the ATV, Kemppainen called the cops so that he could "turn himself in for the crimes of vandalism he committed," a police report said. Police and sheriff's deputies raced to Kemppainen's address, where they found Kemppainen dead of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. They then searched his residence and collected evidence, including an ATV, apparel that matched the description of clothes worn by the driver, and some electronic devices.

'Shaved legs' and 'thigh-highs': Kemppainen presents as female

Until that fateful July day, Kemppainen had no encounters with local law enforcement. While he may not have been in trouble with the law, accounts from those who knew him best indicate that he was a troubled young man.

A few days after the attack on Carl Nelson, Joshua's father, David Kemppainen, and other relatives met with Hancock Police Chief Tami Sleeman. David informed Sleeman that Joshua had been been bullied in high school and that he had been diagnosed with autism. Joshua had also been taking medicine for depression, but that medicine had recently changed.

Another individual familiar with Joshua also reached out to law enforcement: Lane Campbell, a 25-year-old gamer who lives more than 500 miles from Hancock in southeastern Michigan between Lansing and Detroit. Campbell and Joshua met online and often played video games together.

Campbell told Blaze News that at first, Joshua was "awkward" and aloof and rarely shared anything personal. "It took a lot of talking to him in general and getting to know him in general before he kind of opened up," Campbell said.

'Sometimes he'd have a super high-pitched voice and be squealy and girly, and then the other times he'd have a super deep voice.'

But soon, the two guys "clicked," Campbell said. In fact, their friendship eventually became sexual in nature, and the two exchanged nude photos and other explicit messages. Campbell, who never met Kemppainen in person, characterized their relationship as "online f*** buddies."

Because of their intimate connection, Campbell learned firsthand that Kemppainen struggled with his gender identity. In addition to nude photos, Kemppainen sent Campbell pictures of himself with "shaved legs" as well as wearing "thigh-highs" and "skirts," Campbell said.

"It'd be weird. Sometimes he'd have a super high-pitched voice and be squealy and girly, and then the other times he'd have a super deep voice, kind of like a 'wake up in the morning' voice," Campbell recalled to Blaze News.

Campbell said that at some point during their friendship, Kemppainen had been seeing a psychiatrist and had even taken estrogen for a bit.

"He had taken hormones," Campbell explained. "He'd taken estrogen before but was off it pretty much, like, three months into me knowing him."

If Campbell's timeline is correct, Kemppainen would have stopped taking estrogen around February 2023, nearly a year and a half before the ATV attack, since the two men met online in November 2022.

Campbell does not believe Kemppainen was taking estrogen at the time of the ATV incidents, though the last time he spoke with him was in June 2024, a month before they occurred.

Campbell also insisted that Kemppainen never identified himself as a woman and did not care much about pronouns. "He wasn't trying to be transsexual," Campbell said. Instead, Kemppainen was more "transgender" and wanted "to be viewed more as a woman."

Records show that Campbell gave Chief Sleeman similar statements about Kemppainen's forays into transvestism and gender transition. Campbell also furnished her with screenshots of some of his Discord exchanges with Kemppainen. The screenshots are included in the police reports but are so grainy as to be entirely illegible.

Screenshot of police report

Campbell declined to share those screenshots with Blaze News, citing privacy concerns.

Blaze News left messages with Joshua's parents, David and Mia Kemppainen, but did not receive a return call.

Kemppainen and 'far-left' politics

It seems that Kemppainen's gender-identity problems may also have helped shape his politics and affected the way he viewed his community.

"He felt like in his community, being a very conservative rural community, he couldn't express being more feminine," Campbell said.

Campbell told police that Kemppainen held mainly "far-left" views and added to Blaze News that his friend had become increasingly frustrated with the Democratic Party, especially at the national level. By summer 2024, Kemppainen had little hope of a Democratic victory in the 2024 election.

"He's like, 'The Dems are just f***ing idiots at this point,'" Campbell recalled Kemppainen saying.

Kemppainen was also "anti-government" in general and harbored animus against law enforcement, Campbell said, calling all cops "f***ing pigs and a bunch of idiots." Kemppainen was particularly incensed about the cop-involved shooting of Breonna Taylor.

Kemppainen also apparently fantasized about committing suicide by cop. "It was the more suicidal bit and wanting to kind of go out and be like, 'I hope I get pulled over by a cop ... just so I can f***ing shoot him and then, you know ...'" Campbell said.

Despite mainly far-left views, Kemppainen was also a gun enthusiast and even spent time in the Army.

'He never kind of wished harm on anybody.'

In the weeks leading up to the ATV incidents, Campbell had become increasingly worried about Kemppainen's mental state. Kemppainen had a history of substance abuse, Campbell said, and would frequently use drugs or alcohol while playing games with him online.

Though Campbell declined to share with Blaze News screenshots of his Discord exchanges with Kemppainen, he did read aloud the final message he ever received from his late friend: "I'm getting wasted. I'm playing with my AK. Wish me luck."

Campbell said he responded by asking Kemppainen to be careful but that "he never got back to me on that."

When police discovered Kemppainen lifeless at his home, they found "an AK-style rifle between his legs."

Campbell also insisted that while Kemppainen was no fan of Trump, he never threatened violence against Trump supporters. "He never kind of wished harm on anybody," Campbell said.

According to a police report, David Kemppainen, Joshua's father, said his son "did not have a 'mean bone' in his body" and that the ATV attack "was not like him at all." He also told police that his son "did not have any political issues."

Another relative characterized Joshua as a "good kid" who "loved to go fishing and hunting" with his grandfather.

'A debacle': Continued fallout

Joshua Kemppainen's suicide was not the end of the story for anyone involved. His mother, Mia Kemppainen, was so distraught over her son's death and apparent outburst of violence that she "was not able to come in to talk with the police" when they asked, David Kemppainen said, according to a police report. Mia did later go to the police station to retrieve her son's confiscated belongings.

Family members who did speak with police were visibly "shaken" by Joshua's alleged crime spree and expressed concern about the elderly victim.

Lane Campbell believes that Kemppainen's alleged involvement in the ATV attack was "a cry for help." He also seemed to speak very carefully about the attack, describing it to Blaze News as "a debacle" and Kemppainen's alleged actions as "deplorable" but then adding that they might be "understandable" to some people.

"I think ... that he genuinely cared and just was misunderstood and because of that and his mental issues that led to him to going down the path he took," said Campbell, who also struggles with mental health issues.

"I wasn't expecting him to be a criminal, but I wasn't expecting him to kill himself."

By all accounts, Kemppainen was a loner. He had few friends in the real world, had recently lost an online friend to suicide, and had difficulty holding down a job. He could have returned to the Army after COVID but for whatever reason chose not do so.

Campbell believes that extreme isolation contributed to Kemppainen's decline and advocated for those with fragile mental health to go outside, "touch grass," and mingle with regular people. "We need to be more connected as a society," he said.

'It could've been a little worse than it actually was.'

For his part, Carl Nelson has made almost a full recovery. "For little a while, my right knee bothered me, but that's gone now," he told Blaze News.

Aside from describing his attacker as an "idiot," he also does not seem to carry much resentment about the incident. "It's something we lived through and survived," he stated matter-of-factly.

"It could've been a little worse than it actually was."

Nelson, who lives in Wisconsin, added that several lawyers in the Hancock area approached him and offered to file a lawsuit against the suspect's parents but that he had declined their offer. "[The parents] obviously didn't have any control over him, so nothing could be done by trying to suck some money out of them," he explained. "So I didn't do it."

In fact, Nelson said that he and his brother, Paul, a devout Catholic, had prayed together for the ATV driver.

Sadly, in early August, just a few days after Carl Nelson was hospitalized because of the attack, Paul Nelson died after a brief battle with cancer.

"He was actually a very religious person," Carl said. "So he went while praying."

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Transvestite boasted about exploiting loophole to have his driver's license say female — then Florida stepped in: 'FAFO'

The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles issued a memo on Jan. 26, 2024, indicating that transvestites would no longer be able to change the sex on their driver's licenses or state ID in the Sunshine State.

"Misrepresenting one's gender, understood as sex, on a driver license constitutes fraud under s. 322,212, F.S., and subjects an offender to criminal and civil penalties, including cancellation, suspension, or revocation of his or her driver license, e.g., s. 322.22. and 322.27, F.S," stated Robert Kynoch, FLHSMV deputy executive director.

A transvestite activist boasted in a recent TikTok video that by exploiting a loophole, he was able to secure an ID stating that he was a female. James Rose's inability to keep his deceit to himself proved to be his plot's undoing.

Jeremy Redfern, press secretary for Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), confirmed Tuesday that the FLHSMV "cancelled his license and sent him a corrected one that says 'male.'"

"That's some dedicated service," wrote Griffin. "He should thank them."

'Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.'

Rose, a DEI certificate holder from Cornell University whom Planned Parenthood appointed in 2023 to push trans propaganda, said in his incriminating video, "I just got my gender changed on my driver's license in the free f***ing state of Florida. My God, Ron DeSantis would be screaming right now if he knew about this."

"This little license now says 'female' on it," continued the male transvestite. "This was the last step in changing all of my documents. This was not easy. We're not even supposed to be able to do this in this state."

Rose indicated that he was able to get a factually incorrect license because when replacing a supposedly lost license, "They have to take all of your information from what they consider a 'primary document.' A passport is considered a primary document and you can self-identify on your passport, which means — loophole — you can self-identify on your Florida f***ing driver's license."

After suggesting his license would last 10 years, Rose said, "Ron DeSantis, you can suck my trans ****."

Dave Kerner, executive director of FLHSMV, reportedly informed Rose in a Jan. 6 letter obtained by Libs of TikTok that his license had been canceled, that he has been provided a "valid replacement license with the proper sex identifier of male," and that he may have broken the law by allegedly making a false statement about losing his license.

"Please be advised that the sex identifier on the replacement Florida driver's license issued to you on December 20, 2024, was improperly changed from male to female," said the letter. "Accordingly, that license is invalid and has been cancelled."

"Thank you for bringing this error to the Department's attention," continued Kerner. "Your public comments will help ensure compliance with Florida law."

Kerner indicated further that Rose's boastful video has also prompted the department to conduct an audit to ascertain whether similar errors have been made in other cases.

"I can't stop laughing," wrote Libs of TikTok. "It's such a great case of FAFO."

Christina Pushaw, an aide to DeSantis, similarly wrote, "FAFO," which stands for "f*** around and find out."

"Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes," tweeted Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.).

Bryan Griffin, communications director for DeSantis, noted, "Florida operates on truth, and Florida driver's licenses will only reflect an individual's true sex."

President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to "ask Congress to pass a bill establishing that the only genders recognized by the United States government are male and female — and they are assigned at birth."

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Ohio Gov. DeWine proves immune to LGBT activists' pressure campaign, ratifies bill protecting parental rights

LGBT activists did their best in recent weeks to pressure Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine to veto Republicans' Parents' Bill of Rights. Their best was evidently not good enough.

To the chagrin of those averse to increased parental involvement and greater transparency about what children are subjected to at school, DeWine ratified HB 8 on Wednesday.

The legislation declares that "a parent has a fundamental right to make decisions concerning the upbringing, education, and care of the parent's child."

Blaze News previously reported that the law, which takes effect 90 days after ratification, will:

  • require that any "sexuality content is age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate for the age of the student receiving the instruction";
  • provide parents the opportunity to review in advance any instructional material that deals with sexuality and to opt their child out if so desired;
  • require swift parental notification of any major changes in a child's services at school, including requests by a student to identify as a member of the opposite sex;
  • ensure that schools cannot inhibit parental access to their kids' education and health records;
  • altogether bar school district personnel from encouraging kids to keep information from their parents;
  • require school boards to adopt a policy authorizing students to be excused from school to attend a course in religious instruction off school property so long as their parents sign off, arrange transportation, and cover related expenses; and
  • require parents to sign off before providing any type of health care service to a student with the exception of emergency situations, first aid, and other services required under state law.

"I think the basis for it for me, if you're a parent, you want to be informed what’s going on in your child's life,” DeWine said Wednesday, reported the Buckeye Flame. "Parents are the best teachers."

'It was opposed by educators and the LGBTQ+ community alike.'

Aaron Baer, the president of the Center for Christian Virtue, an advocacy group that championed the bill sponsored by Republican state Reps. D.J. Swearingen and Sara Carruthers, said in a statement following HB 8's ratification, "HB8 protects children by safeguarding parents' rights to make important decisions for their children."

LGBT activist groups alternatively did not take the news well.

Dwayne Steward, executive director of Equality Ohio, an activist organization apparently keen on continued secrecy, said that "it's deeply disappointing that Gov. DeWine has signed HB 8 when it was opposed by educators and the LGBTQ+ community alike because it punishes teachers and staff for supporting LGBTQ+ students who are already targets of bullying and harassment."

By "educators," Steward appears to have been referring at least in part to the leftist Ohio Education Association, a state-level affiliate of the National Education Association, which opposed the legislation.

The transvestite activist group TransOhio expressed grief over DeWine's bill-signing, insinuating the Parents' Bill of Rights was "hateful legislation" aimed at trying to "silence, erase, or harm" transvestites.

When asked Wednesday about whether the law would result in non-straight students being outed, DeWine reportedly said, "We love these students as we love anybody else. They're not only welcome in Ohio, but they're welcome in our schools. We want to protect them as we protect every other student. But I do believe parents are the most likely people to help that child."

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'They want to groom your children': University of Minnesota fronted cash to get 5-year-olds to play with sex-change dolls

The University of Minnesota is facing criticism over attempts to pay to have little kids play with sex-change dolls.

The National Center for Gender Spectrum Health is a radical initiative of the taxpayer-funded University of Minnesota's Institute for Sexual and Gender Health. The stated goal of the center, which is run by World Professional Association for Transgender Health members Katherine Spencer and Dianne Berg, is to "promote the well-being of all people across the gender spectrum (including those who are cisgender, transgender, and gender diverse)."

The NCGSH — which boasts of having secured over $87,000 in grant funding — put out a call in February for "transgender and gender diverse children between the ages of 5 and 10 years old and their parents," asking them to participate in a "hands-on activity to help talk about gender and bodies!"

The flyer noted further that "children and parents will meet a few times in groups with others to play with and give us ideas about the activities" and promised compensation between $20 and $60 per group.

'It's about helping children develop tools to cope with messages in society that could lead to shame.'

The corresponding UM project page indicated that "MyGender Dolls" are "therapeutic tools intended for licensed therapists to use with patients and their parents or caregivers to help children who find it difficult to express themselves."

The dolls that the university was willing to pay to see kids play with, created by a transvestite activist, have "internal sex organs, external genitals, hair styles, clothing, and other accessories" that kids can swap out or "'layer on' to explore who they are."

The Minnesota-based publication Alpha News noted that in the university's video promoting the dolls, a narrator states, "There are lots of different ways to be a girl, a boy, or anywhere along the gender spectrum."

According to a crowdfunding page for the project on the UM website, the NCGSH began development on a MyGender Dolls app so that children could play around with doll genitalia and sex organs at home. Alpha News reported that Rachel Becker-Warner, a so-called "gender care" psychologist at the university, co-developed the app with Berg and transvestite artist Ashley Finch.

Berg told the University of Minnesota Foundation's biannual publication Discovery in the early days of the project that it was important for the dolls to have genitals and reproductive organs.

"It's really important to address the belief, 'I'm not a "real" boy because I don't have these private parts,' versus, 'I am a real boy, whatever my anatomy looks like,'" said Berg. "It's about helping children develop tools to cope with messages in society that could lead to shame."

'This is disgusting and has to stop.'

The dolls are apparently used in some cases to help imagine what their bodies might look like after irreversible mutilations.

"We were able to explore and brainstorm not just what our bodies are able to do now but what we want our bodies to do and look like in the future," said Elizabeth Panetta, an assistant UM professor, referencing her use of the dolls with kids. "We also were able to talk about private parts without it feeling too serious or clinical."

Alpha News indicated that neither UM's sex institute nor NCGSH responded to its requests for comment.

American Principles, a conservative pro-family group, noted on X, "Public universities should not be using YOUR tax dollars to groom children. This is disgusting and has to stop!"

"They want to groom your children," wrote Libs of TikTok. "Parents beware!"

Debbie Dooley, one of the original founders of the Tea Party movement, tweeted, "This is horrendous trying to brainwash young children with the sick transgender ideology."

The Cass Review, the peer-reviewed systematic studies that informed it, and other penetrating studies have made clear that so-called gender science is largely activistic nonsense, such that even the leftist British government felt compelled to recently issue a permanent ban on puberty blockers and to change to how confused children are handled by health professionals.

The Cass Review noted that the narrative upon which activists like those at the NCGSH rely is based on research of "poor quality," demonstrating "poor study design, inadequate follow-up periods and a lack of objectivity in reporting of results."

Berg, co-director of the NCGSH and a co-author of the child chapter of WPATH's Standards of Care 8, appeared in the damning 242-page report about WPATH published in March by Michael Shellenberger's think tank, Environmental Progress, wherein she is quoted as admitting adolescents are not mature enough to understand the ruinous effects or lasting impact of medical sex-change hormones.

Blaze Media co-founder Glenn Beck discussed the report and WPATH's advocacy for child sex-change mutilations in a special earlier this year.

— (@)

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LGBT activists lean on Ohio Gov. DeWine to veto Republican bill protecting parental rights

Ohio Republicans successfully passed the Parents' Bill of Rights on the final day of the 135 General Assembly. The bill is now headed to Ohio's Republican governor for ratification.

The usual suspects, enraged by the prospect of increased parental involvement and greater transparency about what children are subjected to at school, are demanding that Gov. Mike DeWine veto the bill. While DeWine demonstrated last December his willingness to spike conservative legislation in the face of pressure from LGBT activists and other radicals, he appears resolved to hold his ground this time around.

The parental rights bill, HB 8, declares that "a parent has a fundamental right to make decisions concerning the upbringing, education, and care of the parent's child." It would broadly require school districts in the state to adopt policies promoting parental involvement in the public school system.

To the apparent chagrin of LGBT activists and other radicals, HB 8 would:

  • require that any "sexuality content is age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate for the age of the student receiving the instruction";
  • provide parents the opportunity to review in advance any instructional material that deals with sex or sexuality and to opt their child out if so desired;
  • require prompt parental notification of any substantial changes in a child's services at school, such as counseling services or monitoring "related to the student's mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being," including requests by a student to identify as a member of the opposite sex;
  • ensure that schools cannot inhibit parental access to their kids' education and health records;
  • altogether bar school district personnel from encouraging kids to keep information from their parents;
  • require school boards to adopt a policy authorizing students to be excused from school to attend a course in religious instruction off school property so long as their parents sign off, arrange transportation, and cover related expenses; and
  • require parents to sign off before providing any type of health care service to a student with the exception to emergency situations, first aid, and other services required under state law.

After the bill passed the state Senate on Wednesday in a 24-7 vote, lawmakers in the House voted 57-31 to concur with state Senate amendments to the bill.

In the state Senate, all opposed were Democrats save for one Republican, state Sen. Louis Blessing III. In the state House, Republican state Reps. Jamie Callender, Gayle Manning, and Andrew White joined Democrats in voting against concurrence with the Senate changes to the bill.

DeWine has 10 days to ratify or veto the bill after receiving it.

State Rep. D.J. Swearingen, one of the bill's primary sponsors, noted on X, "This is a win for Ohio's families!"

'Planned Parenthood employees in Ohio public schools [are] disappointed today because they can no longer talk to 8-year-olds about their sexual orientation and gender identity.'

Various non-straight organizations and leftist groups melted down over the successful passage of the bill.

The ACLU of Ohio dubbed HB 8 the "unsafe students act" and demanded that DeWine veto it, complaining that restrictions on content pertaining to sexuality "would potentially put students' safety at serious risk, particularly LGBTQ+ students, and eviscerate the trusted relationships between students and their teachers." The leftist outfit also concern-mongered about the proposed requirement that districts permit students to leave school grounds with parental permission to attend religious classes, suggesting that those who remained at school with fully secular course loads might be bullied.

The Kaleidoscope Youth Center, a minor-targeted LGBT outfit in the state, similarly called on DeWine to veto the legislation, claiming in a statement Thursday that the bill "will make schools less safe and inclusive for queer and trans people."

In its call for a veto, the transvestite activist group TransOhio claimed HB 8 "is a forced outing bill and a harmful curriculum restriction bill" that discriminates against non-straight parents.

Equality Ohio, another LGBT activist organization keen on continued secrecy, likened HB 8 to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' Parental Rights in Education Act but suggested that it "goes even further than its counterpart in Florida by mandating students be reported to their parents if any school employee receives a request from a student to identify as a different gender than they were assigned at birth."

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio, the Ohio Center for Sex Education, Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio, and the leftist Ohio Education Association, a state-level affiliate of the National Education Association, also fear-mongered about the bill.

Such groups might suspect that DeWine could be receptive to their demands because he previously vetoed a critical piece of conservative legislation in the face of a similar pressure campaign. Republican lawmakers had to override his veto to make the Saving Adolescents from Experimentation Act the law of the land, protecting children from sex-change mutilations and keeping men out of women's sports.

However, DeWine has indicated he favors the bill and intends to sign it, reported the Statehouse News Bureau.

"We've been looking at the language, and I've had some suggestions and changes that I wanted to make or additions I wanted to make," DeWine said earlier this month. "I think the additions that I think will be made by the legislature will provide so that I will be able to sign the bill."

"The days of the ACLU and the most fringe voices on the left driving the political debate in America are over. The age of powerful parent voices is here," Aaron Baer, the president of the Center for Christian Virtue, said in a statement. "The CCV-backed Parents' Bill of Rights, which includes important provisions to protect programs like LifeWise Academy and religious released time, tells government bureaucrats across Ohio that parents are in charge of their kids' education and health care decisions."

"And for the Planned Parenthood employees in Ohio public schools disappointed today because they can no longer talk to 8-year-olds about their sexual orientation and gender identity, I have one message: It's probably time to find a new line of work," added Baer.

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Call of Duty goes nonbinary: Virtue-signaling or military psyop?

Call of Duty, one of the most popular video games of all time, recently introduced its first "nonbinary" character.

Many will laugh or roll their eyes, dismissing this new chance to employ they/them pronouns as mere virtue signaling.

The US military is now the nation’s largest employer of trans people. Let that sink in for a minute … or an entire week.

But this development must be viewed through a broader lens. The inclusion of a nonbinary character in such a high-profile series isn’t just a silly gesture; it’s a calculated move on behalf of the game's creators. They understand that CoD holds unparalleled influence over millions of young minds in America and beyond, with players logging countless hours of immersion.

When consumed over long periods, these narratives, symbols, and subtle cues enter the subconscious, shaping players' perceptions them even realizing it.

Game over

Long gone are the simple days of Super Mario, in which a cheerful plumber in overalls embarked on an innocent quest to save a princess. Today, that happy-go-lucky white man, displaying dangerously high levels of “benevolent sexism,” is considered "toxic." That’s because the gaming landscape has evolved from lighthearted adventures to being a battleground for ideological influence.

Which brings us back to CoD.

As Ihave shown before, the franchise is now a sophisticated propaganda tool. That’s because its ties to the U.S. military and intelligence apparatus are incredibly strong.

Critics have long noted that CoD’s narratives frequently echo real-life military operations and geopolitical strategies. It’s not a coincidence. The game’s developers have collaborated closely with the U.S. Department of Defense and intelligence agencies, integrating their perspectives into the game’s content.

From storylines that align closely with U.S. military operations to partnerships that influence game design, Call of Duty operates as a medium for disseminating pro-military narratives to young, impressionable audiences.

Consider one of the early missions in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II, in which the target is an Iranian general named “Ghorbrani" -- a thinly veiled version of real-life Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, down to his appearance and portrayal as a puppet of hostile powers. The striking similarities between the game’s fictional mission and America's assassination of Soleimani clearly demonstrate a deliberate effort to shape public perceptions of U.S. foreign policy.

Call of Duty has now become a cornerstone of the Military-Industrial Complex—something even Eisenhower, in all his foresight, could never have anticipated.

Shaping the narrative

Military documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act revealed that executives from the game’s publisher were previously invited to U.S. Air Force bases to be familiarized with military hardware like AC-130 planes and CV-22 helicopters—both of which prominently feature in the game series.

These interactions were not just casual consultations but part of a strategic effort to embed military narratives in the game’s design. Essentially, shaping how audiences perceive armed conflicts and positioning these industry leaders as credible advocates for military interests.

This has been the case for years. The U.S. Marine Corps collaborated on Call of Duty 5, and the Pentagon has been actively involved with game publishers, offering insight into the portrayal of the “U.S. Army of the future.”

With such intimate connections, the game’s influence on its players can no longer be dismissed as innocent entertainment. CoD essentially acts as a recruitment and indoctrination portal for young audiences, familiarizing them with military operations and subtly glamorizing war.

This matters to everyone, not just gamers. The psychological impact of engaging in military scenarios repeatedly over long periods is profound. Unlike a movie that ends after two hours, these games are designed for continuous engagement, making them highly effective in subtly shaping beliefs and attitudes.

For a country grappling with recruitment challenges and a changing public perception of military conflicts, this is a powerful tool to win/control the hearts and minds of the next generation without their explicit awareness.

In the past, Hollywood served as the primary vehicle for military propaganda. Now, with the film industry’s influence waning, video games have taken up the mantle. The modern gaming industry is worth over$347 billion—nearlyfive times more than Hollywood. With Call of Duty leading the charge, these games reach audiences on an unprecedented scale, seamlessly blending military strategy with popular culture in ways that often go unnoticed—or remain entirely invisible—to the player.

Normalizing the abnormal

When entertainment and military interests align so closely, the line between fiction and propaganda becomes dangerously blurred. It’s about controlling the cultural landscape, glorifying conflict, and normalizing the queer agenda.

In 2021, lest we forget,Rachel Levine, an eerie cross between Larry King and Joy Behar, became the nation’s first transgender four-star officer, appointed to lead the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. The military’s increasing promotion of progressive ideologies is a deliberate strategy to mainstream queerness. And it's working. The U.S. military is now thenation’s largest employer of trans people. Let that sink in for a minute….or an entire week.

Studies consistently show that transgender individuals face significantly higher rates of depression, anxiety, addiction, and suicide compared to the general population. These findings raise serious questions about the wisdom of placing those grappling with such mental health crises in positions critical to national security.

In environments where mental resilience and emotional stability are paramount, this disparity in mental health risks cannot be ignored. Is it truly in America’s best interest to entrust its safety and stability to individuals statistically more prone to severe psychological distress? Obviously not.

As Call of Duty continues to integrate characters with identities and ideologies aligned with current sociopolitical narratives, serious questions need to be asked. Those in power understand that if you target the youth and immerse them in these narratives early, you can shape their beliefs and worldview for decades to come.

A nation of red, white, and blue is slowly morphing into red, white, and pink—trading patriotism for perversion, one click at a time.