Why men need faith for mental health and meaningful lives

You probably didn’t hear that International Men’s Day was November 19. While arbitrary dates for these designations don’t signify much, there’s a stark contrast between the ho-hum response for men and the extravagant hullabaloo and pomp and circumstance around International Women’s Day, March 8.

For example, unlike International Women's Day, International Men's Day is not officially recognized by the United Nations. While men should wear it as a badge of honor from such a corrupt organization as the United Nations, this illustrates a telling, second-class treatment of men by global “elites.”

When addressing mental health, particularly for men, our mental health system often lacks connection to God’s healing power.

That men deserve support and acknowledgment for their sacrifices and vulnerabilities undermines the New World Order’s desire to feminize and divide our world into critical gender theory categories of masculine “oppressors” and feminine “oppressed.”

International Men’s Day was founded by Thomas Oaster, former director of the now-defunct Missouri Center for Men’s Studies at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. It’s partially a day to bring awareness to the abuse, violence, homelessness, and suicide men suffer. For example, a mere 8% of all workplace fatalities are women. Men are enormously more likely to put their physical bodies at occupational risk, composing an astonishing 92% of workplace deaths.

Unfortunately, America is generally in a mental health crisis, and men fatally suffer most. Men are four times more likely than women to kill themselves. Men make up 50% of the U.S. population but nearly 80% of suicides, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Last year, more than 50,000 people committed suicide in America. This is nearly 17 times the number of people murdered in the 9/11 terrorist attack and the highest number ever of suicides recorded. Before our current onslaught, the year with the previous highest suicide rate was 1941, the ashes of the Great Depression. Gallup reported in 2023 that clinical depression in lifetime and current depression both hit new highs.

Jeff Myers of Summit Ministries recently noted that every 10 years, the World Happiness Report reports levels of happiness in 143 nations by asking people to rate their happiness on a scale of 1 to 10. “The report reveals that Israeli young people — even with all their nation’s troubles — are the second-happiest people group in the world (slightly behind Lithuania),” Myers wrote. “American young people, on the other hand, are in 62nd place.”

America’s happiness ranking dropped precipitously in recent years, driven by a drop in purpose and meaning, especially among self-identified liberals and progressives. Yet men and women attending weekly religious services are significantly less likely to die "deaths of despair" — suicide, drug overdose, or alcohol poisoning — according to research from Harvard University’s School of Public Health.

Similarly, the National Bureau of Economic Research, a farm team for chairs of White House Council of Economic Advisers from left and right, reported last year that states reporting declining religious participation also saw increasing deaths of despair, and vice versa.

Psychiatric Times ran a literature review examining hundreds of studies and reported overwhelmingly less depression, suicide, and substance abuse among people of faith.

It’s no wonder then that progressives are more likely to be depressed, as they are also far more likely to be atheist. Pew Research found that 69% of atheists identify as Democrats or Democrat-leaning, while just 15% identify as Republicans and 17% as independents.

When it comes to gender, Pew also found men are far more likely to deny the existence of God, regardless of political party, though Republican atheists were slightly more likely to be male (70% male, 30% female) than Democrat atheists (65% male, 35% female).

Atheism is also correlated with psychopathy, as researchers from Case Western Reserve University and Babson College found, writing, “the more empathetic person was more likely religious. This also fits with a previous finding that women tend to be more religious or spiritual than men, which can now be explained by their stronger tendency towards empathy.”

When addressing mental health, particularly for men, our mental health system often lacks connection to God’s healing power. Studies reveal a significant disconnect between the religious beliefs of the general population and those in mental health professions. The journal Sociology of Religion found that psychologists are the least religious among professors, with 61% identifying as either atheist (50%) or agnostic (11%). Similarly, Harvard magazine reported that psychologists, along with biologists, are the least likely among professors to believe in God.

In contrast, Gallup found that 81% of Americans believe in God. Research by Harvard Medical School’s David Rosmarin, founder of the Center for Anxiety, highlights this gap. Rosmarin discovered that nearly 76% of patients sought spiritually integrated psychotherapy. However, his team also found that 36% of therapists expressed discomfort addressing spirituality and religion with clients, 19% rarely or never inquired about these topics, and 71% reported “little to no clinical training in this area.”

No matter their political stripe, based on mounds of scientific evidence (trust the science, right?), men are far less likely to engage in the lifesaving faith communities that are strongly tied with significantly less depression, substance abuse, and suicide.

Mental health often deteriorates around the holidays as feelings of loneliness compound. Let’s stand for our men and connect them with the healing power of God to save life and provide joy and peace.

‘Sarah’ McBride Isn’t Just A Congressman In A Dress But A Trojan Horse To Force Men Into Women’s Spaces Everywhere

[rebelmouse-proxy-image https://thefederalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Screenshot-2024-11-21-at-5.03.19 PM-1200x675.png crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//thefederalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Screenshot-2024-11-21-at-5.03.19%5Cu202fPM-1200x675.png%22%7D" expand=1]McBride and his allies want women to give up privacy and safety, and all of us to give up our integrity and become complicit in their lies.

In Its New ‘Copy Nothing’ Campaign, Jaguar Copies Bud Light

[rebelmouse-proxy-image https://thefederalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Screenshot-2024-11-21-at-6.01.30 PM-1200x675.png crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//thefederalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Screenshot-2024-11-21-at-6.01.30%5Cu202fPM-1200x675.png%22%7D" expand=1]As the Democrats, Bud Light, and a host of other businesses have learned, people are tired of the crazy. But sure, Jaguar, copy nothing, except for failure.

Leftist echo chamber cracks as alternative media gains ground

Donald Trump dealt an earth-shattering blow to the American left. The reality television star not only secured a convincing win in the Electoral College but also captured the popular vote and carried down-ballot Republicans to victory, with the GOP taking control of the Senate and likely retaining the House. Typically, such a decisive mandate for the opposition would lead a political party to reflect on the policies or rhetoric that contributed to such a defeat. But Democrats are having none of that.

Instead of examining their platform, tone toward the American people, or use of power, liberal pundits and politicians have reached a different conclusion. From MSNBC to CNN and HBO, they have conducted election postmortems, blaming their loss on one main problem: that the American people have too much free speech.

Democrats had constructed a reality in which their ideology was unquestionable and their victory inevitable.

A few thoughtful voices on the left have suggested that policies like opening the border, demonizing men, ignoring the economic struggles of middle Americans, and promoting radical gender politics to children may have hurt the Democrats' chances. Yet these moderating voices have been quickly labeled as racist and sexist, silenced by progressives deeply invested in their own radical ideology. Instead, the left has chosen to lay the blame for its loss on alternative media.

The left has sounded the alarm about the dangers of misinformation and disinformation for years. Progressives once held a near-total monopoly over the elite institutions that shape ideological consensus in America. In a world where individuals are often isolated from real interactions or events, the dominant narrative provided by news and entertainment had the power to define reality. That is how a nation can be convinced to treat a severe flu like the Black Death. Democrats have lived inside this self-constructed reality for so long that they have forgotten its artificial nature — like a fish that doesn’t know it’s wet.

Progressives genuinely believe Americans are inherently racist, sexist, and homophobic, and they worry that without a controlled flow of carefully curated information, people will revert to their “brutal” nature and start throwing Nazi salutes in honor of the eternal Trumpenreich. Leftist operatives don’t view themselves as propagandists because they rely on narratives shaped by a network of credentialed institutions.

When progressives talk about “our democracy,” they really mean the consensus upheld by “experts” who show loyalty to their ideology. Any information that contradicts this narrative becomes “misinformation” — not because it’s factually incorrect but because it challenges their carefully curated information ecosystem.

In this moment of utter defeat, Democrats have pointed fingers at podcasters like Joe Rogan and Theo Von, frustrated by their influence on young men. Some leftist pundits even suggest the need to create a “progressive Joe Rogan” or build their own network of influencers.

But this approach is delusional on multiple levels. The left already has a massive influence network that spans mainstream media, Hollywood, corporate America, academia, and the unelected federal bureaucracy. Progressives don’t view this as an “influence network,” however. They see it as basic institutional reality. They have convinced themselves that the shadows they cast on the wall are reality, and anything outside them is nefarious and artificial.

Progressives have plenty of young male influencers, like David Pakman and Hasan Piker. These voices enjoy major funding and the advantage of speaking with little to no fear of censorship from big tech. But it is exactly this obvious alliance with the status quo that dooms their efforts. Liberal commentators aren’t rebels speaking truth to power; they’re pushing on an open door. Their apparent lack of authenticity is palpable, and audiences sense it. This disconnect is so pronounced that Pakman recently made a video addressing the fact that his own audience is leaving in droves.

The left’s challenge isn’t a lack of media reach. Despite emerging cracks in their foundation, progressives still hold significant influence over legacy media, education, and government bureaucracies that shape public opinion in the United States. The real problem is that each of these institutions has sacrificed its credibility in pursuit of ideological control. Soft power is delicate. It requires disciplined actors who can leverage institutional control without overtly advancing their own interests. Progressives have lost all such discipline and burned the precious currency of institutional legitimacy for short-term gain. Now they will reap the whirlwind.

The left still has extensive media representation, but it no longer holds a media monopoly. Despite a substantial advantage in funding, prestige, and infrastructure, audiences are abandoning traditional media because of their consistent misinformation. They lied about the border, misled on the pandemic, skewed coverage of Trump, manipulated poll results, and even deluded themselves into thinking Kamala Harris could win a presidential election. Even in defeat, progressive commentators remain oblivious to the reality they've so fervently insulated themselves from.

Leftists now watch the success of podcasters like Rogan and platforms like X, marveling at their influence. On HBO panels and in New York Times columns, they exclaim, “Media can shape reality! I’ve got to get me some of that!” The lack of self-awareness is remarkable. Yet Democrats cannot produce a candidate capable of appearing on Rogan’s show, let alone replicate his authentic style. Rogan may not be conservative, but he doesn’t dismiss Americans or their concerns, offering an everyman quality that is hard to fabricate.

The Democratic Party’s problem isn’t a lack of media reach; it’s a toxic message and an unwillingness to engage with middle America. The party demonizes young white men and labels middle Americans as “trash,” alienating these demographics. The problem isn’t that comedians have podcasts that diverge from the Democratic Party line; it’s the Democrats’ toxic disregard for average Americans’ concerns.

Democrats had constructed a reality in which their ideology was unquestionable and their victory inevitable. Only “outdated” institutions like the Electoral College and voter ID stood between progressives and the “end of history.” Now, a resounding defeat in the popular vote has left them bewildered, searching for someone to blame. There will be no introspection or lessons learned. Instead, leftists have doubled down on radical policies and contempt for Americans. It’s a powerful reminder that decadence breeds weakness and insularity fosters delusion.

Let’s Hear It For The Straight White Boys Who Saved Us From Kamala

Kamala Harris, like Hillary Clinton, represented the face of the oppressive, suffocating girl boss regime — and boys were sick of it.

Thank You To All The Men Who Voted ‘For My Daughter’

Men did 'step up' for their daughters and for women everywhere, but not in the way that these sobbing women on Instagram demanded.

WATCH: Liberal Media Blame Sexism for Decline in Black Male Support for Kamala

Liberal news pundits in the waning days of the presidential election are blaming what one MSNBC commentator called "subconscious sexism" for black men's declining support for Kamala Harris.

The post WATCH: Liberal Media Blame Sexism for Decline in Black Male Support for Kamala appeared first on .

The Female ‘Closet Kamala’ Voter Is A Delusional Democrat Pipe Dream

For all the talk of women's empowerment and the 'future is female,' leftist women are the only ones who still see men as oppressors.

The Real Reason Men Just Aren’t Into Democrats

The problem of appealing to men has less to do with messaging and more to do with the actual women who constitute the Democrat Party.

Will plunging testosterone levels destroy America?

Hard times create strong men; strong men create good times; good times create weak men; and weak men create hard times.

The familiar maxim expresses not just historical truth but also basic biology.

If we keep ignoring this grim reality, the fallout won’t just be flabbier bodies or fleeting mood swings — we're risking the collapse of the very bedrock that holds society together.

When strong men were busy building the world, their testosterone levels soared. But as times got easier, weak men chose leisure over labor and onanism over industry, indulging in comfort and losing the very hormone that made their ancestors formidable.

Now we're left with soft times and even softer men — men facing hard times with low drive and even lower testosterone.

High testosterone built America. Low testosterone could destroy it.

A 'toxic' waste

The wrongful and absolutely absurd demonization of testosterone hinges on a shallow, reductionist narrative that equates this hormone with uncontrolled aggression.

But controlled aggression is a basic survival mechanism, a tool used not just in times of war but in achieving excellence, protecting the innocent, and driving innovation. Controlled aggression can be a force for good — and it is testosterone that provides it. Indeed, this "toxic" hormone is the lifeblood of masculine vitality.

Low testosterone doesn’t just make men sluggish; it’s linked to a range of debilitating conditions, including osteoporosis, depression, and metabolic syndrome. Credible studies show that men with low testosterone levels have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease while other studies have identified links to diabetes and cognitive decline.

As you read this, testosterone levels are tanking in the U.S. This isn’t just about muscle or mood; it’s a public health crisis. When a society scapegoats testosterone and vilifies masculinity, it’s not just attacking strong men — it’s endangering itself in a willful act of self-sabotage.

High testosterone-fueled men performed the necessary work that got us where we are today: They built the roads and skyscrapers, led the armies, and defended the vulnerable. And high testosterone-fueled men are needed to maintain the world we've inherited.

Contrary to leftist hysteria, it’s not the strong men we should fear but the men too weak to protect what matters.


We’re supposedly living in the "knowledge economy." How ironic, then, that so many men seem oblivious to a simple fact: Sitting on your a** all day is a disaster for your health — and a testosterone killer.

Despite all the data at our fingertips, it's as if we've collectively ignored what our bodies are screaming at us: Get up and move!

The reality is that manual labor and physical exertion are strongly correlated with higher testosterone levels. Study after study shows that men who engage in traditional manual occupations exhibit higher testosterone levels than their sedentary counterparts.

Evolution has hardwired men to exert, lift, and labor — to embrace physical work. When we sideline this essential biological need in favor of desk jobs and sedentary routines, we undermine our own physiology. We slowly crumble.

Men stuck in sedentary lifestyles aren't just seeing their testosterone levels nosedive — they’re facing sharply increased risks of depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts. What we’re witnessing is a generation of males cut off from their own biology, soft in body and mind, wandering aimlessly, and without a sense of purpose.

Death by dad bod

And to make matters worse, low testosterone is closely tied to soaring obesity rates — another crisis wreaking havoc on America’s health. Our fixation on convenience, comfort, and screen time is exacting a steep biological toll. In fact, it’s taking lives.

A recent study in the Annals of Internal Medicine revealed that men with the lowest testosterone levels face a starkly higher risk of all-cause mortality. If we keep ignoring this grim reality, the fallout won’t just be flabbier bodies or fleeting mood swings — we're risking the collapse of the very bedrock that holds society together.

Sadly, the cracks are already showing. Very recently, we saw “white dudes” and “girl dads” cheering on Kamala Harris. The left’s poster boy for masculinity is Andy Cohen — a man so effeminate, he makes RuPaul look like Bear Grylls.

Which raises a rather important question: What can be done to stop America from becoming a nation of Andy Cohen’s?

Measure of man

The first step is figuring out where you stand.

The most reliable way to diagnose low testosterone is through a blood test. Doctors usually measure total and free testosterone levels, along with markers like sex hormone-binding globulin and luteinizing hormone.

A reading below 300 ng/dL often signals low testosterone, particularly if symptoms like fatigue, low libido, mood swings, or muscle loss are present.

Sacking up

Men naturally lose testosterone as they age, but lifestyle choices can hasten this decline. Here are some ways you can naturally boost testosterone.

1. Lift weights

Strength training is crucial. As mentioned earlier, men are built to lift heavy things and put them down — over and over again. Pick up dumbbells, do arm curls, deadlifts, squats, and farmer walks. It’s not rocket science — it’s common sense (another thing in short supply).

2. Go outside

Time outdoors is essential too — exposure to morning sunlight boosts vitamin D, a key player in testosterone production. Get 10 to 15 minutes of direct morning sunlight each day to optimize your circadian rhythms; this, in turn, improves sleep quality.

3. Get sleep

And quality sleep is vitally important — aim for seven to nine hours a night. Sleep deprivation wreaks havoc on testosterone levels.

4. Manage stress

Of course, stress management is also key. Chronic stress spikes cortisol, which directly suppresses testosterone production.

5. Eat right

Diet obviously plays a crucial role as well. Consuming foods rich in zinc and magnesium, such as lean beef, oysters, pumpkin seeds, spinach, and almonds, is essential for maintaining healthy testosterone levels.

These nutrients are key to supporting hormonal balance and preserving your masculine qualities.

It's also important to avoid foods that can negatively impact testosterone levels, such as soy products, which are high in phytoestrogens that can mimic estrogen in the body.

6. Embrace the struggle

A society that shames strength and glorifies softness sets itself on a path to ruin. As more men spend their days sitting on their butts and lying on their bellies, we risk losing the civilization built on the backs and shoulders of our forefathers.